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[英]My app icon is not visible in share menu windows 10 - UWP

Icon is not being displayed in Share menu next to my app name. 我的应用名称旁边的共享菜单中未显示图标。 But its displayed correctly in icon 但是它正确显示在图标中 共享菜单截图


I have added icons to all the options in visual studio 我已将图标添加到Visual Studio中的所有选项

The assets you are using are right. 您正在使用的资产是正确的。 At first, I didn't see any problem when I used RTM OS version (Version 1511, OS Build 10586.494). 最初,使用RTM OS版本(版本1511,操作系统内部版本10586.494)时,我没有发现任何问题。 However, from your screenshot, it seems you are using Insider Preview Build. 但是,从屏幕快照看来,您似乎正在使用Insider Preview Build。 So I tested it again on Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 14393 and I can reproduce your issue. 因此,我在Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 14393上再次进行了测试,可以重现您的问题。

Actually, your app icon is not invisible . 实际上,您的应用程序图标不是不可见的 It seems that System has cached the app icon used in Share menu when your app is deployed for the first time. 首次部署应用程序时,系统似乎已缓存“共享”菜单中使用的应用程序图标。 After this, even we reset the app icon and redeploy the app, the icon in Share menu still won't change. 此后,即使我们重置了应用程序图标并重新部署了该应用程序,“共享”菜单中的图标仍然不会更改。 I guess you've run your app with the default assets before you set your own assets. 我猜您在设置自己的资产之前已经使用默认资产运行了您的应用程序。 So in Share menu, it still use the default icon, but in Start panel, it is correct. 因此,在“共享”菜单中,它仍然使用默认图标,但是在“开始”面板中,它是正确的。 You can created a new project with your own assets and then run this new project, you icon should be able to display in Share menu correctly. 您可以使用自己的资产创建一个新项目,然后运行此新项目,您的图标应该能够正确显示在“共享”菜单中。

This issue seems only affect Insider Preview Build. 该问题似乎仅影响Insider Preview Build。 For Insider Preview issues, please feel free to share feedbacks with Microsoft. 对于Insider Preview问题,请随时与Microsoft分享反馈。 You can report this issue with Windows Feedback app. 您可以使用Windows反馈应用程序报告此问题。 Your feedback has made Windows better! 您的反馈使Windows变得更好!

All Logos Related to UWP are stored in Package.appxmanifest. 与UWP相关的所有徽标都存储在Package.appxmanifest中。 Edit it using an xml editor. 使用xml编辑器对其进行编辑。 See if there is any image that is still a default icon. 查看是否有任何图像仍然是默认图标。


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