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[英]count based on a specific field in SOLR

How to return the count of a field with each object in Solr 如何在Solr中使用每个对象返回字段的计数

When I do fq=verify_ix:1 I have a response below, I want to get count where verify_ix = 1 in the response too. 当我执行fq=verify_ix:1我在下面有一个响应,我也想在响应中verify_ix = 1的情况下获得计数。 How can I do that? 我怎样才能做到这一点?

"response": {
    "numFound": 9484,
    "start": 0,
    "maxScore": 1,
    "docs": [
        "id": "10000000000965509",
        "description_s": "No Description",
        "recommendation_ix": 0,
        "sId_lx": 30005938,
        "sType_sx": "P",
        "condition_ix": 1000,
        "verify_ix": 1
        "id": "10000000000965734",
        "description_s": "No Description",
        "recommendation_ix": 1,
        "sId_lx": 30005947,
        "sType_sx": "P",
        "condition_ix": 2000,
        "verify_ix": 1

If you want counts of the different values for a given field, you can send a request to Solr with facet=true and facet.field=verify_ix . 如果要计算给定字段的不同值,则可以使用facet=truefacet.field=verify_ix向Solr发送请求。 For counts over all records, set q=*:* . 对于所有记录的计数,请设置q=*:* If you don't want to see any rows returned, you can set rows=0 . 如果您不想看到任何返回的行,可以将rows=0设置。

See here for more details on faceting: 请参阅此处以获取有关构面的更多详细信息:

https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/solr/Faceting https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/solr/Faceting

(I tested this with Solr 5, but faceting should work with Solr 4 as well.) (我在Solr 5上对此进行了测试,但分面也应在Solr 4上使用。)

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