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[英]Glassfish and Tomcat error

I am using Eclipse Java EE IDE (dynamic web project). 我正在使用Eclipse Java EE IDE(动态Web项目)。 I encountered a problem with my server that I downloaded to the eclipse. 我将服务器下载到Eclipse时遇到问题。 The server I am using is Tomcat v8.0 and I tried glassfish4. 我使用的服务器是Tomcat v8.0,我尝试使用glassfish4。
When I run the servers to test my work, it shows these messages. 当我运行服务器以测试我的工作时,它会显示这些消息。

see for tomcat: 查看tomcat:


see for glassfish4: 参见关于glassfish4:


Note the servers was working perfectly few days ago but it stopped working suddenly. 请注意,服务器几天前运行良好,但突然停止工作。 I tried deleting the servers and reinstalling many times them again but it did not work. 我尝试删除服务器,然后再次重新安装很多次,但是没有用。

Go to Servers explorer. 转到服务器资源管理器。
Try cleaning the server, I think you have already done that. 尝试清洁服务器,我想您已经完成了。
Try deleting the server from explorer. 尝试从资源管理器中删除服务器。 After that explorer will show a link No servers are available. 之后,资源管理器将显示一个链接 Click this link.. Click on it and then select the server name Tomcat v8.0 Server displayed in list(as you are using Tomcat v8.0). 单击此链接。单击它,然后选择列表中显示的服务器名称Tomcat v8.0服务器 (使用Tomcat v8.0时)。
Check if "Server runtime environment" is displaying Apache Tomcat v8.0 . 检查“服务器运行时环境”是否显示Apache Tomcat v8.0
If not then click add, Browse to tomcat installation directory and select it. 如果没有,请单击添加,浏览到tomcat安装目录并选择它。
Check installed JREs, if it is there. 检查已安装的JRE(如果有)。
Click next and add your project from "Available" list to "Configured" list(if there are multiple projects in available, just add the current project you want to run). 单击下一步,然后将项目从“可用”列表添加到“已配置”列表(如果有多个项目可用,只需添加要运行的当前项目)。 Click finish. 单击完成。 The server will be displayed in explorer, Try restarting it. 服务器将显示在资源管理器中,请尝试重新启动它。
You may have already done this. 您可能已经做到了。 :) :)
Still if you are unable to run, you can try this if you have maven configured project. 如果您无法运行,但是如果已经配置了maven项目,则可以尝试执行此操作。
->Go to your project in "Project Explorer", right click the project. ->转到“项目资源管理器”中的项目,右键单击该项目。
->Go to properties, click on "Deployment Assembly", there check if you have Maven dependency in Source list. ->转到属性,单击“部署程序集”,在“ 源”列表中检查是否具有Maven依赖项。 If it is not there you need to add it. 如果不存在,则需要添加它。

I hope it helped. 希望对您有所帮助。 :) :)


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