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Evo Pdf无法将HTML转换为PDF

[英]Evo Pdf not converting HTML to PDF

Evo PDF not converting HTML to PDF which contains more than 1000 pages including 2000 images. Evo PDF不会将HTML转换为包含1000多个页面(包括2000张图像)的PDF。

 pdfConverter.NavigationTimeout = 5000;             
 pdfConverter.ConversionDelay = 300;

Are you using with the latest version of the software? 您是否正在使用该软件的最新版本? If not the you should try the latest version first. 如果不是,则应先尝试使用最新版本。

How long does it take to completely load the HTML page in a browser on the same server on which you run the converter? 在运行转换器的同一台服务器上的浏览器中完全加载HTML页面需要花费多长时间? Use CTRL-R to refresh the page in browser and make sure it doesn't load the cached images. 使用CTRL-R刷新浏览器中的页面,并确保它不会加载缓存的图像。

Did you try to increase the ConversionDelay and the NavigationTimeout? 您是否尝试增加ConversionDelay和NavigationTimeout? Do you have an URL of such a HTML page you are trying to convert? 您是否有要转换的HTML页面的URL?

Please contact EVO support if you need more help to solve this issue. 如果您需要更多帮助来解决此问题,请联系EVO支持。

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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