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[英]Check if push notifications are enabled on iOS7

Some of the users of my app are still using iOS7. 我的应用程序的一些用户仍在使用iOS7。 For iOS 8 and above i simply use: 对于iOS 8及以上版本,我只需使用:


or: 要么:


But what do I use to check if Notifications are enabled but for iOS7 ? 但是我如何使用它来检查是否启用了通知但是对于iOS7?

Thanks in advance! 提前致谢!

A similar question was asked here: Push Notification ON or OFF Checking in iOS (in obj-c) 这里也提出了类似的问题: 在iOS中推送或关闭推送通知 (在obj-c中)

I converted it to swift for you: 我把它转换成你的快速:

//if iOS 7
var types: UIRemoteNotificationType = UIApplication.sharedApplication().enabledRemoteNotificationTypes()
if types != .None 
    print(" Push Notification ON")

EDIT: You can also check which ios is being used by doing the following: 编辑:您还可以通过执行以下操作来检查正在使用的ios:

var iOSversion: String = UIDevice.currentDevice().systemVersion()
var prefix: String = iOSversion.componentsSeparatedByString(".").first!
var versionVal: Float = CFloat(prefix)!

if versionVal >= 8 {
    if UIApplication.sharedApplication().currentUserNotificationSettings().types != .None {
         print(" Push Notification ON")
    else {
         var msg: String = "Please press ON to enable Push Notification"
         var alert_push: UIAlertView = UIAlertView(title: "Push Notification Service Disable", message: msg, delegate: self, cancelButtonTitle: "Cancel", otherButtonTitles: "Setting")
         alert_push.tag = 2
         print(" Push Notification OFF")

else {
   var types: UIRemoteNotificationType = UIApplication.sharedApplication().enabledRemoteNotificationTypes()
   if types != .None {
       print(" Push Notification ON")
   else {
      var msg: String = "Please press ON to enable Push Notification"
      var alert_push: UIAlertView = UIAlertView(title: "Push Notification Service Disable", message: msg, delegate: self, cancelButtonTitle: "Cancel", otherButtonTitles: "Setting")
      alert_push.tag = 2
      print(" Push Notification OFF")

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