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[英]Invoking mysqldump from script without password prompt

I need to execute a cmd command in Visual Basic. 我需要在Visual Basic中执行cmd命令。 It's not difficult but i need to give a argument while the external Programm runs. 这并不难,但我需要在外部程序运行时给出一个参数。

F:\mysql-5.7.13-winx64\bin\mysqldump.exe -h <ip> -u <user> -p <database> > abcd.sql

But after that is executed, the programm will ask for a password. 但在执行之后,程序将要求输入密码。 So how can i do that? 那我该怎么做呢?

Greetings, Dominic 问候,多米尼克

You can provide a password at command line (not secure): 您可以在命令行提供密码(不安全):

mysqldump.exe -h <ip> -u <user> --password="my_password" <database> > abcd.sql

You can also use Mysql options file . 您也可以使用Mysql选项文件 Create my.cnf with credentials details: 使用凭据详细信息创建my.cnf


And provide it to mysqldump 并将其提供给mysqldump

mysqldump.exe <database> --defaults-extra-file=my.cnf > abcd.sql

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