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[英]Store the result of a function as a variable

I'm trying to write an RSA code, but I'm having issues with a simple thing. 我正在尝试编写RSA代码,但遇到了一件简单的事情。 I want to store the result of a function as a variable, twice in Python. 我想将函数的结果存储为变量,在Python中两次。 This is my code 这是我的代码

def random_odd_between(j,k):
    k1 = (k-1)//2
    j1 = j//2
    a1 = int(random()*(k1-j1+1))+j1
    a = 2*a1 +1
    return a

# The list of primes less than 10^6 is given by:
list_of_primes = prime_range(1,10^6)

# Write a function to check if given number is prime:
def check_if_prime(n):
    prime_flag = 1
    for i in list_of_primes:
        checker = n%i
        if checker != 0:
            if (n/i) in ZZ:
                prime_flag = 0
        prime_flag = 0
    return prime_flag

# Generate random numbers between 6*10^9 and 10^10 until we get a prime.
# Generate two prime numbers between 6*10^9 and 10^10 for p and q
def get_a_prime():
    count = 0
    prime_found = 0
    while prime_found == 0:
        a = random_odd_between(6*10^9,10^10)
        prime_found = check_if_prime(a)
        count = count + 1
# Print a prime you've got:
    print '%i' %a

p = get_a_prime()
q = get_a_prime()
n = p*q

# Let t stand for totient

t = (p-1)*(q-1)

I can't get my p and q to be defined however, they keep just giving me an error. 我无法定义我的p和q,但是它们一直给我一个错误。 I realize I need to do some kind of return, but I can't get the syntax right 我意识到我需要进行某种返回,但是我无法正确获取语法

只需将print '%i' %a替换为return a

I believe you had errors in both your check_if_prime and get_a_prime functions. 我相信您的check_if_primeget_a_prime函数都出错。 In the former, ZZ is not defined and the first break should be indented one more level and the last one is redundant. 在前者中,没有定义ZZ ,应该将第一个break缩进一个级别,而最后一个则是多余的。 Better yet, just return True or False when needed. 更好的是,仅在需要时返回True或False。

In the second function, you need to return the value that is prime rather than just print it. 在第二个函数中,您需要返回素数的值,而不仅仅是打印它。

def check_if_prime(n):
    if n == 2:
        return True  # 2 is a prime.
    if n % 2 == 0 or n <= 1:
        return False  # Anything less than or equal to one is not prime.

    for divisor in xrange(3, int(n ** 0.5) + 1, 2):  # 3, 5, 7, ..., int(SQRT(n)) + 1
        if not n % divisor:  
            return False  # NOT divisible by the divisor.

    return True  # Must be prime.

def get_a_prime():
    prime_found = False
    while not prime_found:
        a = random_odd_between(6 * 10 ^ 9, 10 ^ 10)
        prime_found = check_if_prime(a)
    return a

Testing 测试

primes = [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97, 101]

# Ensure all primes above are prime per our function.
>>> all(check_if_prime(n) for n in primes)

# Ensure all numbers in range 0-101 that is not identified as a prime is not a prime.
>>> any(check_if_prime(n) for n in xrange(102) if n not in primes)

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