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[英]set playback speed in vlc dot net (winforms)

i am using vlc player in winforms. 我在Winforms中使用VLC Player its working fine, but the problem is that its playing faster. 它的工作正常,但问题是它的播放速度更快。
i have videos recorded at 10fps. 我有以10fps录制的视频。 i think vlcControl is playing at 30fps, that's why video are playing faster. 我认为vlcControl的播放速度为30fps,这就是为什么视频播放速度更快的原因。 Referred this , but it didn't help. 引用了此内容 ,但没有帮助。 i couldn't find any function like set_play_back_speed function under vlcControl1.Video 我在vlcControl1.Video下找不到像set_play_back_speed函数的任何函数
I thought vlcControl would automatically figure out fps & play accordingly. 我以为vlcControl会自动找出fps并进行相应播放。
if i open the same video from vlc media player installed on my windows pc, it plays at proper rate. 如果我从Windows PC上安装的vlc媒体播放器打开了相同的视频,则它会以适当的速率播放。 any clue how to fix this? 任何线索如何解决这个问题?

PS: if i open any video recorded at 29.97fps, vlcControl in winforms is playing it at proper speed. PS:如果我打开任何以29.97fps录制的视频,则winforms中的vlcControl将以适当的速度播放。

Well, there's no function to set FPS to video thru Vlc.DotNet and I am not sure are you using WinForms or WPF application, but best I can help is probably, if you would play with rate settings as in transpone video. 嗯,没有功能可以通过Vlc.DotNet将FPS设置为视频,我不确定您是否使用WinForms或WPF应用程序,但是最好的我能帮到您,如果您像在转播视频中那样使用速率设置。

It's found at vlcControl1.rate (which is float value default is 1.00), if you have 30fps and only want 10fps well, you could try to set: 它位于vlcControl1.rate(浮点值默认值为1.00),如果您具有30fps且只希望10fps,则可以尝试设置:

vlcControl1.rate = (int)(33 / 100);

Which then would decrease video and audio transpone to 10fps from 30fps (assuming 1.00 = 30fps). 然后将视频和音频的传输速度从30fps降低到10fps(假设1.00 = 30fps)。

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