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[英]How to mock object attributes and complex fields and methods?

I have a following function which needs to be unit tested. 我有以下功能,需要进行单元测试。

def read_all_fields(all_fields_sheet):
    entries = []

    for row_index in xrange(2, all_fields_sheet.nrows):
        d = {'size' : all_fields_sheet.cell(row_index,0).value,\
             'type' : all_fields_sheet.cell(row_index,1).value,\
             'hotslide' : all_fields_sheet.cell(row_index,3).value}

    return entries

Now, my all_fields_sheet is a sheet returned by xlrd module(Used to read Excel file). 现在,我的all_fields_sheet是xlrd模块返回的工作表(用于读取Excel文件)。

So, basically I need to mock for following attributes nrows cell 所以,基本上我需要模拟以下属性来增加单元格

How should I go abput it? 我应该怎么去消化呢?

Just mock the calls and attributes directly on a mock object; 只需直接在模拟对象上模拟调用和属性即可; adjust to cover your test needs: 进行调整以满足您的测试需求:

mock_sheet = MagicMock()
mock_sheet.nrows = 3  # loop once
cells = [
    MagicMock(value=42),     # row_index, 0
    MagicMock(value='foo'),  # row_index, 1
    MagicMock(value='bar'),  # row_index, 3
    MagicMock(value='spam'), # row_index, 2
mock_sheet.cell.side_effect = cells

By assigning a list to Mock.side_effect you can control, in order, what calls to .cell() return. 通过为Mock.side_effect分配一个列表,您可以依次控制对.cell()调用返回的内容。

Afterwards, you can test if the right calls have been made with the various assertion methods. 之后,您可以测试是否使用各种断言方法进行了正确的调用。 You could use the mock.call() object to give precise expectations: 您可以使用mock.call()对象给出精确的期望值:

result = read_all_fields(mock_sheet)
    [('spam', {'size': 42, 'type': 'foo', 'hotslide': 'bar'})]

    [call(2, 0), call(2, 1), call(2, 3), call(2, 2)])

I used Mock.call_args_list here to match an exact number of calls, directly to mock_sheet.cell alone. 我在这里使用了Mock.call_args_list来匹配确切的呼叫数,直接将mock_sheet.cell单独匹配到mock_sheet.cell

Demo, assuming that your read_all_fields() function is already defined: 演示,假设您的read_all_fields()函数已经定义:

>>> from unittest.mock import MagicMock, call
>>> mock_sheet = MagicMock()
>>> mock_sheet.nrows = 3  # loop once
>>> cells = [
...     MagicMock(value=42),     # row_index, 0
...     MagicMock(value='foo'),  # row_index, 1
...     MagicMock(value='bar'),  # row_index, 3
...     MagicMock(value='spam'), # row_index, 2
... ]
>>> mock_sheet.cell.side_effect = cells
>>> result = read_all_fields(mock_sheet)
>>> result == [('spam', {'size': 42, 'type': 'foo', 'hotslide': 'bar'})]
>>> mock_sheet.cell.call_args_list == [call(2, 0), call(2, 1), call(2, 3), call(2, 2)]

Alternatively, you could create a function for the mock_sheet.cell.side_effect attribute, to return values from a 'sheet' you set up up front: 另外,您可以为mock_sheet.cell.side_effect属性创建一个函数,以从您之前设置的“工作表”中返回值:

cells = [[42, 'foo', 'spam', 'bar']]  # 1 row
def mock_cells(row, cell):
    return MagicMock(value=cells[row - 2][cell])
mock_sheet.cell.side_effect = mock_cells

When side_effect is a function, it is called whenever mock_sheet.cell() is called, with the same arguments. 如果side_effect是一个函数,则在调用带有相同参数的mock_sheet.cell()将调用它。

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