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[英]var becomes undefined inside Promise

This is probably something a very small problem but I can't find its solution so please bear with me! 这可能是一个很小的问题,但我找不到解决方案,请耐心等待!

I don't understand why at const body = ctx.request.body ctx becomes undefined. 我不明白为什么在const body = ctx.request.body ctx变得不确定。 Before it carried over this from the create() function which calls createEntity() . 之前,它延续thiscreate()它调用函数createEntity()

What am I doing wrong? 我究竟做错了什么?

I'm calling a function createEntity like this: 我正在这样调用函数createEntity

module.exports = {
  createEntity: () => {
    var ctx = this  // both ctx and this are fine
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      const body = ctx.request.body  // <-- ctx is undefined

create() calls createEntity() . create()调用createEntity() It is a generator function wrapped with co() via Koa.js 这是一个通过Koa.js用co()包装的生成器函数

create: function * () {
    this.body = yield createEntity.call(this)

EDIT: Here's a screenshot why I thought this is fine after calling createEntity : 编辑:下面是截图为什么我认为this是打完电话后精createEntity 在此处输入图片说明

both ctx and this are fine ctx和这都很好

I doubt that. 我不信。 You are using an arrow function . 您正在使用箭头功能 You cannot set an arrow function's this via call because an arrow doesn't have an own this 1 . 您无法通过call设置箭头函数的this ,因为箭头本身没有this 1

Use a normal function instead. 请改用普通功能。

See also Arrow function vs function declaration / expressions: Are they equivalent / exchangeable? 另请参见Arrow函数与函数声明/表达式:它们是否等效/可互换?

1: this inside createEntity refers to the top-level this of the module, which is module.exports : 1: createEntity内部的this指模块的顶层this ,即module.exports

this;        // <------------|
module.exports = {           |
  createEntity: () => {      |
    var ctx = this     // ---|
console.log(this === module.exports); // true

By assigning an arrow function to createEntity , this inside the arrow function is assigned to the value of this in the scope where the arrow function was declared, which is probably the global object (therefore if you're using use strict , this will be undefined ), and it'll stay that way even if you invoke the function using call . 通过分配箭头功能createEntitythis箭头函数内部分配给的值this在范围,其中被宣布为箭头的功能,这可能是全局对象(因此,如果您正在使用use strictthis将是undefined ),即使您使用call调用该函数,它也会保持这种状态。

Use a common function expression instead 改用通用函数表达式

createEntity: function () {

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