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MySQL Workbench 导出权限

[英]MySQL Workbench Export Privileges

Using MySQL Workbench 6.3, Windows Server 2012 R2.使用 MySQL Workbench 6.3,Windows Server 2012 R2。

I have created a user with SELECT privileges on a single database.我在单个数据库上创建了一个具有 SELECT 权限的用户。 This user is able to connect to the database and view the records in read only mode.该用户能够连接到数据库并以只读模式查看记录。

However I'd also like this user to be able to export the database, currently when they try (via manage > export data) the receive the following error.但是,我也希望该用户能够导出数据库,目前当他们尝试(通过管理 > 导出数据)时,会收到以下错误。

'Access Denied for user 'user'@'xxx' (using password NO) when trying to connect'

Basically I only want this user to be able to read the database records and export the database.基本上我只希望这个用户能够读取数据库记录并导出数据库。

Is it possible to add these additional privileges?是否可以添加这些附加权限?



if you can't change access, just check this checkbox.如果您无法更改访问权限,只需选中此复选框。 在此处输入图片说明

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