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[英]Javascript: Geolocation values in global variable

I'm working on a little web application which uses GPS. 我正在研究一个使用GPS的小型网络应用程序。 It uses Javascript to accomplish this. 它使用Javascript完成此任务。 What I'm doing: 我在做什么:

  • Defining an global array "positionCoords" with 2 empty indexes (latitude / longitude). 用两个空索引(纬度/经度)定义一个全局数组“ positionCoords”。
  • On document ready, I am requesting latitude / longitude with the function "getGeoLocation()". 准备好文档后,我正在使用功能“ getGeoLocation()”请求纬度/经度。
  • After the request, I am doing an simple console.log of the array. 请求后,我正在对数组进行简单的console.log。 The array indexes are still empty. 数组索引仍然为空。
  • Executing console.log(positionCoords) in the webbrowser console, gives me the correct values. 在Webbrowser控制台中执行console.log(positionCoords),可以为我提供正确的值。

Could this has something to do with asynchronously? 这可能与异步有关吗? I'm quite new to this feature, any help would be appreciated! 我对这个功能还很陌生,任何帮助将不胜感激!

// global variables
var positionCoords = {};
positionCoords['latitude'] = null;
positionCoords['longitude'] = null;

 on document ready, excecute
$(document).ready(function() {

 check if geolocation is supported and allowed, get coordinates
function getGeolocation() {
    if (navigator.geolocation) {
        // geolocation is available
            function(position) {
                // get coordinates
                positionCoords['latitude'] = position.coords.latitude;
                positionCoords['longitude'] = position.coords.longitude;
                return true;
                return false;
    } else {
        // geolocation is not available
        console.log("Browser does not support geolocation services.");
        return false;


DEMO with Google Map 使用Google Map进行演示

Since it is ASYNC call, you need to pass function-callback to getGeolocation , then , you will call it like the follwong : 由于它是ASYNC调用,因此您需要将function-callback传递给getGeolocation ,然后将像follwong一样调用它:

ON Calling : 通话中:

$(document).ready(function() {
           //====The resof your code which dependent on `coords` SHALL be here



To be able to call it like the above , you need to modify the implementation of getGeolocation by passing it two parameters : 为了能够像上面那样调用它,您需要通过传递两个参数来修改getGeolocation的实现:

  1. Function Callback onSuccess . 函数回调onSuccess
  2. Function Callback onError 函数回调onError

Implementation : 实现方式:

 check if geolocation is supported and allowed, get coordinates
function getGeolocation(fnsuccess,fnerror) {
    if (navigator.geolocation) {
        // geolocation is available
            function(position) {
               if(typeof fnsuccess==='function'){
                        fnsuccess.call(null,position.coords); //--Call CallBack On Success
                if(typeof fnerror ==='function'){
                      fnerror.call(null,error); //--Call CallBack On Error
    } else {
        // geolocation is not available
        console.log("Browser does not support geolocation services.");
        return false;


DEMO : 演示

the DEMO will ask you to share your location , if you accept , check the console of your browser , you will get Coords as you expect DEMO会要求您分享您的位置,如果您接受,请检查浏览器的控制台,您将按预期获得Coords

DEMO with Google Map 使用Google Map进行演示

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