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PHP 的 error_get_last() 函数的 Python 替代品是什么?

[英]What is Python replacement for PHP's error_get_last() function?

I need to implement an atexit Python function that would get the last error object and check for it's type.我需要实现一个atexit Python 函数来获取最后一个错误对象并检查它的类型。 If the type of python error corresponds to PHP's E_ERROR I should save the error's output to a file.如果 python 错误的类型对应于 PHP 的E_ERROR我应该将错误的输出保存到一个文件中。

The PHP code I'm porting looks like so:我正在移植的 PHP 代码如下所示:

register_shutdown_function( "fatal_handler" );
function fatal_handler() {
  $error = error_get_last();
    if ($error != null && $error['type'] === E_ERROR)
        echo  "recordFatalError: {$error['message']}\n";

My code snap are as follows:我的代码快照如下:

def fatal_handler():
   # How to get last error object?


I would be glad if somebody explained me how can I get the necessary functionality with python.如果有人向我解释如何使用 python 获得必要的功能,我会很高兴。

I would usesys.last_value for this:我会为此使用sys.last_value

import atexit
import sys

def fatal_handler():
        e = sys.last_value
    except AttributeError: # no exception prior to execution of fatal_handler


You may choose to use getattr(sys, 'last_value', None) in place of the EAFP approach above.您可以选择使用getattr(sys, 'last_value', None)代替上面的EAFP 方法 It returns None if sys.last_value isn't available.如果sys.last_value不可用,则返回None

Alternatively, if there's just one function you want to run only when the interpreter shutdown is caused by an exception, you could usesys.excepthook :或者,如果您只想在解释器关闭是由异常引起的时候运行一个函数,您可以使用sys.excepthook

import sys

def fatal_handler(type, value, traceback):
   e = value

sys.excepthook = fatal_handler

When an exception is raised and uncaught, the interpreter calls sys.excepthook with info about the exception.当异常被引发并未被捕获时,解释器调用sys.excepthook并提供有关异常的信息。 The default function prints out a given traceback and exception to sys.stderr.默认函数将给定的回溯和异常打印到 sys.stderr。 You can replace this function with a function which save this data.您可以用保存此数据的函数替换此函数。 Later you can use this data in your atexit handler:稍后您可以在 atexit 处理程序中使用此数据:

import atexit
import sys

class LastException:
    value     = None
    type      = None
    trackback = None

    def excepthook(type,value,trackback):
        LastException.type      = type
        LastException.value     = value
        LastException.trackback = trackback

    def register():
        sys.excepthook = LastException.excepthook

def fatal_handler():
   print('{0} {1}'.format( LastException.type, LastException.value))


raise BaseException("I am an error") 
# should print: <class 'BaseException'> I am an error

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