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在Linux Mint 18上使用MySQL Workbench

[英]Using MySQL Workbench on Linux Mint 18

I've never had a MySQL install go smoothly. 我从来没有顺利进行过MySQL安装。 Not Mac. 不是Mac。 Not Windows. 不是Windows。 And now Linux joins the mess. 现在,Linux陷入了混乱。

I installed mysql-server via Software Manager after a failed attempt with linuxbrew. linuxbrew尝试失败后,我通过软件管理器安装了mysql-server。 I can actually run it in terminal, but I have to use sudo which seems odd. 我实际上可以在终端中运行它,但是我必须使用sudo ,这似乎很奇怪。 I don't see any examples where the user has to use sudo . 我看不到用户必须使用sudo任何示例。

On top of that, when I run MySQL Workbench I can't connect. 最重要的是,当我运行MySQL Workbench时,我无法连接。 I get the error, Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' 我收到错误消息, Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost'

Any suggestions? 有什么建议么?

Did you install mysql from apt-get install mysql-server ? 您是否从apt-get install mysql-server安装了mysql? it probably asked you for a default root password (Ubuntu like systems usually do). 它可能会要求您提供默认的root密码(Ubuntu像系统通常一样)。 If you have forgotten it, have no fear, the password can be reset 如果您忘记了密码,别担心,可以重置密码

http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/resetting-permissions.html#resetting-permissions-unix http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/resetting-permissions.html#resetting-permissions-unix

Try doing this as linux root (sudo -i), if that doesn't work try 尝试以linux根目录(sudo -i)进行操作,如果这样做不起作用,请尝试

sudo -i
sudo mysql

and give it a shot. 试一试。

Alternatively, sudo, connect to mysql and create another user account with full privileges something like 或者,sudo,连接到mysql并创建具有完全特权的另一个用户帐户,例如

GRANT ALL ON *.* to someother user identified by ...

You cannot connect remotely with root database user since the default user created doesn't have access on '%' (remote access). 您无法与根数据库用户远程连接,因为创建的默认用户无权访问'%'(远程访问)。

Create another user with limited rights (secure) and use it for workbench. 创建另一个具有有限权限(安全)的用户,并将其用于工作台。

creating user on mysql: 在mysql上创建用户:

create user test@'%' identified by 'test_user_password';
grant all on *.* to test; -- you can specify specific permissions/databases
flush privileges;

Try these credentials with workbench. 在工作台上尝试使用这些凭据。

As far as the linux command line is concerned 就Linux命令行而言

mysql -uroot -p
-- hit enter, no password and see if you can get connected

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