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[英]Call a controller from another controller

I want to call another controller, I have these two 我想打电话给另一个控制器,我有两个

Ajax_controller Ajax_controller

public function download_low_image($image){
$file = $this -> mimages -> get_image_file($image);
$test = new Thumb_controller();


But returns 但是回报

Unable to locate the specified class: Session.php

How can fix this? 如何解决呢?

may be this will help to solve your problem. 可能这将有助于解决您的问题。 generallly , you can load other controller as 通常,您可以将其他控制器加载为

  1. Load Controller inside your controller like 将控制器加载到控制器内部

    $this->load->library('../controllers/Thumb_controller'); $ this-> load-> library('../ controllers / Thumb_controller');

  2. then simply call the method 然后只需调用该方法

    $this->Thumb_controller->functioname(); $ this-> Thumb_controller-> functioname();

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