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在R Shiny中的ggvis绘图之前更新UI

[英]Update UI prior to ggvis plot in R Shiny

Background: I'm building a dashboard that interfaces with a MySQL database. 背景:我正在构建一个与MySQL数据库连接的仪表板。 The user specifies a coarse filter to pull data from the database and clicks "Submit", the data are plotted with ggvis , then the user is able to play with fine filters to affect what subset of data are plotted. 用户指定一个粗略的过滤器以从数据库中提取数据,然后单击“提交”,使用ggvis绘制数据,然后用户可以使用精细过滤器来影响要绘制的数据子集。 These fine filters depend on the data pulled from the database, therefore I generate them from the data using uiOutput / renderUI . 这些优良的过滤器取决于从数据库中提取的数据,因此我使用uiOutput / renderUI从数据生成它们。

Problem: My challenge is that I want the UI to be updated based on the data before the plot is updated. 问题:我的挑战是我希望在更新绘图之前根据数据更新UI。 Otherwise the fine filters from the old dataset are applied to the new data, which results in an error when plotting. 否则,旧数据集中的精细过滤器将应用于新数据,从而在绘制时导致错误。

Example: The following example roughly reproduces the problem using mtcars . 示例:以下示例使用mtcars大致重现了该问题。 To get the error, select 4 cylinders, click "Submit", then select 6 cylinders and click "Submit" again. 要获取错误,请选择4个气瓶,单击“提交”,然后选择6个气瓶,然后再次单击“提交”。 In this case, when the 4 cylinder fine filter is applied to the 6 cylinder dataset only a single point is returned, which causes an error when trying to apply a smoother in ggvis . 在这种情况下,当将4圆柱精细过滤器应用于6圆柱数据集时,仅返回单个点,这在尝试在ggvis应用更平滑器时会导致错误。 Not the same error as I'm getting, but close enough. 与我得到的错误不一样,但是足够接近。


ui <- fluidPage(
    h2("Course Filter:"),
    selectInput("cyl_input", "Cylinders", c(4, 6)),
    actionButton("submit", "Submit"),
    conditionalPanel(condition = "input.submit > 0",
      h2("Fine Filter: "),

server <- function(input, output) {
  mycars <- eventReactive(input$submit, {
    filter(mtcars, cyl == input$cyl_input)
  output$mpg_input <- renderUI({
    mpg_range <- range(mycars()$mpg)
    sliderInput("mpg_input", "MPG: ",
                min = mpg_range[1], max = mpg_range[2],
                value = mpg_range,
                step = 0.1)
    if (!is.null(input$mpg_input)) {
      mycars() %>%
        filter(mpg >= input$mpg_input[1],
               mpg <= input$mpg_input[2]) %>% 
        ggvis(~mpg, ~wt) %>%
        layer_points() %>%
        layer_smooths() %>% 

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

After many hours of messing around, I've found a very hacky workaround. 经过数小时的混乱,我发现了一个非常棘手的解决方法。 I'm not very satisfied with it, so am hoping someone can offer an improvement. 我对它不是很满意,因此希望有人可以提供改进。

To summarize, my realization was that the renderUI call was being executed when it was supposed to be, ie prior to the plot being generated. 总而言之,我的认识是renderUI调用是在应有的时间(即在生成图之前)执行的。 However, renderUI doesn't directly change the slider in the UI, rather it sends a message to the browser telling it to update the slider. 但是, renderUI不会直接更改UI中的滑块,而是会向浏览器发送一条消息,告诉它更新滑块。 Such messages are only executed once all observers have been run. 仅在所有观察者都运行之后,才执行此类消息。 In particular, this happens after the observer wrapping the call to ggvis is run. 特别是,这发生在运行将包装ggvis的调用的观察者运行之后。 So, the sequence seems to be 因此,顺序似乎是

  1. Message sent to browser to update slider. 消息已发送到浏览器以更新滑块。
  2. Plot generated based on values in slider, which are still the old values. 根据滑块中的值(仍然是旧值)生成的图。
  3. Browser updates slider. 浏览器更新滑块。 Sadly too late :( 可惜来不及了:(

So, to work around this I decided to create a new reactive variable storing the range of MPG values. 因此,为解决此问题,我决定创建一个新的反应变量,以存储MPG值的范围。 Immediately after the coarse filter has been applied, and before the slider is updated in the browser, this variable references the new data frame directly. 在应用了粗略过滤器之后,以及在浏览器中更新滑块之前,此变量立即直接引用新的数据框。 Afterwards, when playing with the slider directly, this reactive variable references the slider. 之后,当直接使用滑块播放时,此反应变量将引用滑块。 This just requires setting a flag specifying whether to reference the data frame or the slider, then flipping the flag in a sensible location. 这只需要设置一个标志来指定是引用数据框还是滑块,然后将标志翻转到一个合适的位置。

Here's the code: 这是代码:


ui <- fluidPage(
    h2("Course Filter:"),
    selectInput("cyl_input", "Cylinders", c(4, 6)),
    actionButton("submit", "Submit"),
    conditionalPanel(condition = "input.submit > 0",
                     h2("Fine Filter: "),
server <- function(input, output) {
  # create variable to keep track of whether data was just updated
  fresh_data <- TRUE
  mycars <- eventReactive(input$submit, {
    # data have just been refreshed
    fresh_data <<- TRUE
    filter(mtcars, cyl == input$cyl_input)
  output$mpg_input <- renderUI({
    mpgs <- range(mycars()$mpg)
    sliderInput("mpg_input", "MPG: ",
                min = mpgs[1], max = mpgs[2],
                value = mpgs,
                step = 0.1)
  # make filtering criterion a reactive expression
  # required because web page inputs not updated until after everything else
  mpg_range <- reactive({
    # these next two lines are required though them seem to do nothing
    # from what I can tell they ensure that mpg_range depends reactively on
    # these variables. Apparently, the reference to these variables in the
    # if statement is not enough.
    # if new data have just been pulled reference data frame directly
    if (fresh_data) {
      mpgs <- range(mycars()$mpg)
    # otherwise reference web inputs
    } else if (!is.null(input$mpg_input)) {
      mpgs <- input$mpg_input
    } else {
      mpgs <- NULL
    if (!is.null(mpg_range())) {
      mycars() %>%
        filter(mpg >= mpg_range()[1],
               mpg <= mpg_range()[2]) %>% 
        ggvis(~mpg, ~wt) %>%
        layer_points() %>%
        layer_smooths() %>% 
    # ui now updated, data no longer fresh
    fresh_data <<- FALSE

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

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