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在Magento 2中验证付款方式

[英]Validate Payment Method in Magento 2

I want to check whether a customer is allowed to use one of the activated payment methods. 我想检查是否允许客户使用已激活的付款方式之一。

For example: 例如:

If the customer had enabled "Cash on Delivery", he should see the method but I can't find anything similar in the code. 如果客户启用了“货到付款”,他应该看到该方法,但是我在代码中找不到任何类似的东西。

In Magento 1 there was: 在Magento 1中,有:

public function isAvailable()

Is there any similar way to do it with Magento 2 ? Magento 2有类似的方法吗?

There are 2 approaches you could take: 您可以采用2种方法:

Observer 观察者

If you take a look at \\Magento\\Payment\\Model\\Method\\AbstractMethod (the parent class of \\Magento\\OfflinePayments\\Model\\Cashondelivery ) in the isAvailable method, you will find that it dispatches the payment_method_is_active event which could be used to performs some additional logic (such as determine if a customer had enabled the specific method or not): 如果您在isAvailable方法中查看\\Magento\\Payment\\Model\\Method\\AbstractMethod\\Magento\\OfflinePayments\\Model\\Cashondelivery的父类),您会发现它调度了payment_method_is_active事件,该事件可用于执行一些其他逻辑(例如,确定客户是否启用了特定方法):

$this->eventManager->dispatch( 'payment_method_is_active', [ 'result' => $checkResult, 'method_instance' => $this, 'quote' => $quote ] );

Plugin 插入

Since isAvailable is a public method, you could add a plugin to the method. 由于isAvailable是公共方法,因此可以向该方法添加插件。 Whether you use before, after, or around depends on your specific needs. 在使用之前,之后还是前后使用取决于您的特定需求。 However, a good place for learning how to do this is the Magento DevDocs site: http://devdocs.magento.com/guides/v2.0/extension-dev-guide/plugins.html 但是,Magento DevDocs网站是学习如何执行此操作的好地方: http ://devdocs.magento.com/guides/v2.0/extension-dev-guide/plugins.html

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