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[英]Echo XML Elements with file_get_contents

i'm successfully managing to pull in the information in this feed: 我已成功设法提取此供稿中的信息:

http://api.zoopla.co.uk/api/v1/zed_index?area=yo1&output_type=outcode&api_key=XXXXMYAPIKEYGOESHEREXXXXX http://api.zoopla.co.uk/api/v1/zed_index?area=yo1&output_type=outcode&api_key=XXXXMYAPIKEYGOESHEREXXXXX

I'm doing this with the following code: 我正在使用以下代码进行此操作:

<p><?php $postcode = get_the_title(); $str = urlencode($postcode); $url = "http://api.zoopla.co.uk/api/v1/zed_index?area=$str&output_type=outcode&api_key=5dj2d5x8kd2z2vnk9g52gpap"; $string = file_get_contents($url); echo $string;?></p>

However, this just echos the following output: 但是,这只是回显以下输出:

DE45 http://www.zoopla.co.uk/home-values/de45 53.258037 53.138911 -1.580861 -1.79776 England Derbyshire 53.198474 -1.6893105 DE45 368929 375424 362103 372926 333441 329349 322644 368056 DE45 http://www.zoopla.co.uk/home-values/de45 53.258037 53.138911 -1.580861 -1.79776英格兰德比郡53.198474 -1.6893105 DE45 368929 375424 362103 372926 333441 329349 322644 368056

How could i adapt my existing code to successfully echo individual elements from the feed, for example just the following fields wrapped in 我如何才能适应现有代码以成功地从提要中回显单个元素,例如仅包装以下字段

tags: 标签:

zed_index zed_index_1year zed_index_2year zed_indexzed_index_1年zed_index_2年

Thanks for your help! 谢谢你的帮助!

You could use simplexml_load_file() to get an array which will contains every of your XML tags : 您可以使用simplexml_load_file()获得一个包含每个XML标签的数组:

        $XML_url    =   'http://api.zoopla.co.uk/api/v1/zed_index?area=yo1&output_type=outcode&api_key=XXXXMYAPIKEYGOESHEREXXXXX';
        $XML_parsed =   simple_xml_load($XML_url);

        // print for debug
        echo '<pre>';
        print_r( $XML_parsed );
        echo '</pre>';  

        // Access one of the tag
        $tagName = $XML_parsed['tagName'];

        // Access a nested tag
        $nestedTag = $XML_parsed['first_tag']['second_tag'];

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