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[英]How to take NSRange in swift?

I am very much new to swift language. 我对快速语言非常陌生。 I am performing some business logic which needs to take NSRange from given String. 我正在执行一些业务逻辑,需要从给定的String中获取NSRange

Here is my requirement, Given Amount = "144.44" Need NSRange of only cent part ie after "." 这是我的要求,给定的金额=“ NSRange ”仅需要NSRange的一部分,即“”之后。

Is there any API available for doing this? 有没有可用的API来执行此操作?

You can do a regex-based search to find the range: 您可以进行基于正则表达式的搜索来找到范围:

let str : NSString = "123.45"
let rng : NSRange = str.range("(?<=[.])\\d*$", options: .RegularExpressionSearch)

Regular expression "(?<=[.])\\\\d*$" means "zero or more digits following a dot character '.' 正则表达式"(?<=[.])\\\\d*$"表示“在点字符'.'之后的零个或多个数字'.' via look-behind, all the way to the end of the string $ ." 一直到字符串$的末尾。”

If you want a substring from a given string you can use componentsSeparatedByString 如果substringstringsubstring string ,可以使用componentsSeparatedByString

Example : 范例:

var number: String = "144.44";
var numberresult= number.componentsSeparatedByString(".")

then you can get components as : 那么您可以将组件获取为:

var num1: String = numberresult [0]
var num2: String = numberresult [1]

hope it help !! 希望对你有帮助!

Use rangeOfString and substringFromIndex : 使用rangeOfStringsubstringFromIndex

let string = "123.45"
if let index = string.rangeOfString(".") {
    let cents = string.substringFromIndex(index.endIndex)

Another version that uses Swift Ranges, rather than NSRange 使用Swift Ranges而不是NSRange的另一个版本

Define the function that returns an optional Range: 定义返回可选范围的函数:

func centsRangeFromString(str: String) -> Range<String.Index>? {
    let characters = str.characters
    guard let dotIndex = characters.indexOf(".") else { return nil }

    return Range(dotIndex.successor() ..< characters.endIndex)

Which you can test with: 您可以使用以下方法进行测试:

let r = centsRangeFromString(str)
// I don't recommend force unwrapping here, but this is just an example.
let cents = str.substringWithRange(r!)


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