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是什么代替了Indy TIdHTTP.DoRequest?

[英]What replaced Indy TIdHTTP.DoRequest?

I just moved Indy 10 into Delphi 5 with the help of some users here. 我只是在这里一些用户的帮助下将Indy 10迁移到了Delphi 5中。 I use to post using, 我过去经常发布使用,

HTTP.DoRequest(hmPost,URL,ssSource,ssResult);//This will not disconnect if already connected like the post

Since DoRequest is not longer available, if I try to use this code: 由于DoRequest不再可用,因此如果我尝试使用以下代码:


it works fine unless I try to post again within like 30 seconds. 除非我尝试在30秒内再次发布,否则它会正常工作。 If I do I get this error: 如果我收到此错误:

ERROR: Socket Error # 10048. Address already in use.

DoRequest never caused this. DoRequest从来没有造成这种情况。 Not sure how to replace it correctly. 不知道如何正确更换它。

Remy Lebeau, I wanted to thank you. 雷米·勒博,我想谢谢你。 I removed the HTTP.BoundIP altogether and now there is not socket error which means that indeed all 3 threads are now running at the same time truly in their own thread. 我完全删除了HTTP.BoundIP,现在没有套接字错误,这意味着确实现在所有3个线程都在各自的线程中真正同时运行。 Thanks it in. 谢谢。

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