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[英]Is there any alterntive to wait3 to get rusage structure in shell scripting?


You can use /usr/bin/timex 您可以使用/usr/bin/timex

From the /usr/bin/timex man page : /usr/bin/timex手册页

The given command is executed; 执行给定的命令; the elapsed time, user time and system time spent in execution are reported in seconds. 以秒为单位报告执行时间,用户时间和执行所花费的系统时间。 Optionally, process accounting data for the command and all its children can be listed or summarized, and total system activity during the execution interval can be reported. 可选地,可以列出或汇总该命令及其所有子代的过程记帐数据,并且可以报告执行间隔期间的总系统活动。

... ...

-p List process accounting records for command and all its children. -p列出命令及其所有子项的进程记帐记录。 This option works only if the process accounting software is installed. 此选项仅在安装了进程记帐软件时有效。 Suboptions f, h, k, m, r, and t modify the data items reported. 子选项f,h,k,m,r和t修改报告的数据项。 The options are as follows: 选项如下:

... ...

Start with the man page for acctadm to get process accounting enabled. acctadm的手册页开始,以启用进程记帐。

Note that on Solaris, getrusage() and wait3() do not return memory usage statistics. 请注意,在Solaris上, getrusage()wait3()不返回内存使用情况统计信息。 See the (somewhat dated) getrusage() source code at http://src.illumos.org/source/xref/illumos-gate/usr/src/uts/common/syscall/rusagesys.c and the wait3() source code at http://src.illumos.org/source/xref/illumos-gate/usr/src/lib/libbc/libc/sys/common/wait.c#158 (That's actually OpenSolaris source, which Oracle dropped support for, and it may not represent the current Solaris implementation, although a few tests on Solaris 11.2 show that the RSS data is in fact still zero.) 请参阅http://src.illumos.org/source/xref/illumos-gate/usr/src/uts/common/syscall/rusagesys.c上的(有点过时的) getrusage()源代码和wait3()源代码在http://src.illumos.org/source/xref/illumos-gate/usr/src/lib/libbc/libc/sys/common/wait.c#158 (这实际上是OpenSolaris源代码,Oracle拒绝支持,虽然Solaris 11.2上的一些测试表明RSS数据实际上仍为零,但它可能并不代表当前的Solaris实现。)

Also, from the Solaris getrusage() man page : 另外,从Solaris getrusage()手册页

The ru_maxrss , ru_ixrss , ru_idrss , and ru_isrss members of the rusage structure are set to 0 in this implementation. 在此实现中, rusage结构的ru_maxrssru_ixrssru_idrssru_isrss成员被设置为0。

There are almost certainly other ways to get the data, such as dtrace . 几乎可以肯定有其他方法来获取数据,例如dtrace

Edit: 编辑:

dtrace doesn't look to be much help, unfortunately. 不幸的是, dtrace并没有太大的帮助。 Attempting to run this dtrace script with dtrace -s memuse.d -c bash 尝试使用dtrace -s memuse.d -c bash运行此dtrace脚本

#!/usr/sbin/dtrace -s

#pragma D option quiet

/ pid == $target /
    @pct[ pid ] = max( curpsinfo->pr_pctmem );

    printa( "pct: %@u %a\n", @pct );

resulted in the following error message: 导致以下错误消息:

dtrace: failed to compile script memuse.d: line 8: translator does not define conversion for member: pr_pctmem

dtrace on Solaris doesn't appear to provide access to process memory usage. Solaris上的dtrace似乎不提供对进程内存使用的访问。 In fact, the Solaris 11.2 /usr/lib/dtrace/procfs.d translator for procfs data has this comment in it: 实际上, procfs数据的Solaris 11.2 /usr/lib/dtrace/procfs.d转换器中包含以下注释:

 * Translate from the kernel's proc_t structure to a proc(4) psinfo_t struct.
 * We do not provide support for pr_size, pr_rssize, pr_pctcpu, and pr_pctmem.
 * We also do not fill in pr_lwp (the lwpsinfo_t for the representative LWP)
 * because we do not have the ability to select and stop any representative.
 * Also, for the moment, pr_wstat, pr_time, and pr_ctime are not supported,
 * but these could be supported by DTrace in the future using subroutines.
 * Note that any member added to this translator should also be added to the
 * kthread_t-to-psinfo_t translator, below.

Browsing the Illumos.org source code, searching for ps_rssize , indicates that the procfs data is computed only when needed, and not updated continually as the process runs. 浏览Illumos.org源代码,搜索ps_rssize ,表示procfs数据仅在需要时计算,并且在进程运行时不会持续更新。 (See http://src.illumos.org/source/search?q=pr_rssize&defs=&refs=&path=&hist=&project=illumos-gate ) (参见http://src.illumos.org/source/search?q=pr_rssize&defs=&refs=&path=&hist=&project=illumos-gate

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