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Android Rxjava订阅了变量

[英]Android Rxjava subscribe to a variable change

I am learning Observer pattern, I want my observable to keep track of a certain variable when it changes it's value and do some operations, I've done something like : 我正在学习观察者模式,我希望我的观察者在改变它的值并做一些操作时跟踪某个变量,我做了类似的事情:

public class Test extends MyChildActivity {

   private int VARIABLE_TO_OBSERVE = 0;

   Observable<Integer> mObservable = Observable.just(VARIABLE_TO_OBSERVE);  

   protected void onCreate() {/*onCreate method*/

   public void changeVariable() {

   public void method() {
       mObservable.map(value -> {
            if (value == 1) doMethod2();
            return String.valueOf(value);
       }).subScribe(string -> System.out.println(string));

   public void doMethod2() {/*Do additional operations*/}


But doMethod2() doesn't get called 但doMethod2()不会被调用

If interested here a Kotlin version of Variable class, which lets subscribers to be updated after every variable change. 如果对此感兴趣的是一个Kotlin版本的Variable类,它允许订阅者在每次变量更新后进行更新。

class Variable<T>(private val defaultValue: T) {
var value: T = defaultValue
    set(value) {
        field = value
val observable = BehaviorSubject.createDefault(value)

Usage: 用法:

val greeting = Variable("Hello!")
greeting.observable.subscribe { Log.i("RxKotlin", it) }
greeting.value = "Ciao!"
greeting.value = "Hola!"

This will print: 这将打印:


Nothing is magic in the life : if you update a value, your Observable won't be notified. 生活中没有什么是神奇的:如果你更新一个值,你的Observable将不会被通知。 You have to do it by yourself. 你必须自己做。 For example using a PublishSubject . 例如,使用PublishSubject

public class Test extends MyChildActivity {

    private int VARIABLE_TO_OBSERVE = 0;

    Subject<Integer> mObservable = PublishSubject.create();  

   protected void onCreate() {/*onCreate method*/

    public void changeVariable() {
        // notify the Observable that the value just change

   public void method() {
       mObservable.map(value -> {
           if (value == 1) doMethod2();
           return String.valueOf(value);
       }).subScribe(string -> System.out.println(string));

   public void doMethod2() {/*Do additional operations*/}


@dwursteisen Nothing is magic, no, but I think we can get it a little more magic than that... 😊 @dwursteisen没有什么是神奇的,不,但我认为我们可以让它变得更神奇......😊

How about using an Rx BehaviourSubject in this way: 如何以这种方式使用Rx BehaviourSubject

import rx.functions.Action1;
import rx.subjects.BehaviorSubject;    

public class BehaviourSubjectExample {

    public BehaviourSubjectExample() {
        subject.skip(1).subscribe(new Action1<Integer>() {
            public void call(Integer integer) {
                System.out.println("The value changed to " + integer );

    public final BehaviorSubject<Integer> subject = BehaviorSubject.create(0);

    public int  getValue()          { return subject.getValue(); }
    public void setValue(int value) { subject.onNext(value);     }

Remove the .skip(1) if you want the observing code to see the initial value. 如果希望观察代码看到初始值,请删除.skip(1)

The variable backing remains with the BehaviourSubject and can be accessed through conventional Java Getter/Setter. 变量支持保留在BehaviourSubject ,可以通过传统的Java Getter / Setter访问。 This is a toy example of course: If your use case were really this simple there'd be no excuse for not just writing: 这当然是一个玩具示例:如果您的用例真的很简单,那么就没有理由不仅仅是写作:

private int value = 0;

public int  getValue() { return value; }
public void setValue(int value) {
    this.value = value;
    System.out.println("The value changed to " + value );

...but the use of BehaviourSubject lets you bridge changes to other Rx data-streams inside your class for composing more advanced behaviours. ...但是使用BehaviourSubject可以将更改桥接到类中的其他Rx数据流,以构成更高级的行为。

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