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在Windows Phone 8.1 Silverlight中使用实体框架的Sqlite

[英]Sqlite with Entity Framework in windows phone 8.1 silverlight

I am developing an application in Windows Phone 8.1 Silverlight with a sqlite database, but the problem is it is kind of a lengthy task to manage data using just sqlite. 我正在使用sqlite数据库在Windows Phone 8.1 Silverlight中开发一个应用程序,但问题是使用sqlite管理数据是一项冗长的任务。

Is it possible to use Entity Framework with sqlite for Windows Phone 8.1 Silverlight? 是否可以在Windows Phone 8.1 Silverlight中使用带有sqlite的Entity Framework?

  • If yes then how? 如果是,那怎么样? Any tutorial will be helpful 任何教程都会有所帮助
  • If no then: is there any better way or plugin available for managing data simply.. 如果没有那么:是否有更好的方法或插件可用于简单地管理数据..

Any help will be appreciated.. 任何帮助将不胜感激..

No, there is no way to use Entity Framework on Windows Phone 8.1 silverlight or even WinRT (Windows Runtime 8.1). 不,没有办法在Windows Phone 8.1 silverlight甚至WinRT(Windows Runtime 8.1)上使用Entity Framework。 According to Entity Framework Roadmap , EF Core available for UWP (Windows 10 apps). 根据实体框架路线图 ,EF Core可用于UWP(Windows 10应用程序)。

I can recommend you to use SQLite.Net-PCL ( Nuget , GitHub ). 我建议你使用SQLite.Net-PCL( NugetGitHub )。 It is very lightweight ORM which supports Linq-like queries. 它是非常轻量级的ORM,支持类似Linq的查询。

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