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[英]How do I get the attributes of an object in ruby?

I'm new to Ruby and Rails. 我是Ruby和Rails的新手。 I've been trying to get a view of all users to work and am not sure what I'm doing wrong. 我一直试图了解所有用户的工作方式,并且不确定自己在做什么错。

I have a view with: 我有以下观点:

<% provide(:title, "View all Users") %>

<p>Find me in app/views/users/viewall.html.erb</p>

@users = User.all 
@users.each do |user|

The output of this is a list of objects in the database, with all the object's data. 其输出是数据库中对象的列表以及所有对象的数据。 When I want to target (for example) just the name, it doesn't work. 例如,当我只想定位名称时,它就不起作用。

[#<User id: 1, name: "user name", email: "mail@mail.com", created_at: "2016-08-03 15:40:41", updated_at: "2016-08-03 15:40:41", password_digest: "$2a$10$KmWWK86H/dj.HAp9zcHOUOCbph1rawIer41kyH4dIrV...">]

What am I missing here? 我在这里想念什么? I'm not even really sure what to google as I don't know what the loop is spitting out. 我什至不十分确定要搜索什么,因为我不知道循环在喷什么。

You are not displaying the data to the user. 您没有向用户显示数据。

In your controller method, is where you should add 在控制器方法中,应该添加

@users = User.all 

And in your view 在您看来

<% @users.each do |user| %>
  <h1><%= user.name %></h1>
<% end %>
  • <% %> : These brackets are used to evaluate an expression <%%> :这些括号用于评估表达式
  • <%= %> : These brackets evaluate an expression and render the output <%=%> :这些括号计算表达式并呈现输出

You need to output the information. 您需要输出信息。 So in ERB when you have a tag like: 因此,在ERB中,当您具有类似以下的标签时:

<% i = 4 %>

That executes code. 执行代码。 When you have: 当你有:

<%= "hi" %>

That outputs the return value. 输出返回值。 So what you actually want is this: 因此,您真正想要的是:

<% User.all.each do |user| %>
  <%= user.name %>
<% end %>

What you should do with the users though, is setup an instance variable in your controller: 不过,您应该与用户一起在控制器中设置一个实例变量:

def viewall
  @users = User.all

Then use it in your view: 然后在您的视图中使用它:

<% @users.each do |user| %>
  <%= user.name %>
<% end %>

Just better to keep SQL calls and a lot of logic out of your views. 最好将SQL调用和大量逻辑保留在您的视图之外。 Leverage the controllers, models and helpers to do that. 利用控制器,模型和助手来做到这一点。

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