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[英]How to use an npm package binary without installing it

I'm trying to create a CLI tool (in Node, on NPM) that creates an app using Brunch . 我正在尝试创建一个CLI工具(在NPM上的Node中),该工具使用Brunch创建一个应用程序。

So basically, the expected behaviour is that the user will type this to install my tool: 因此,基本上,预期的行为是用户将键入此内容以安装我的工具:

npm install -g my-cli-tool

And then, to create a new Brunch project inside a sub-directory named myApp , they will run this in their terminal: 然后,要在名为myApp的子目录中创建一个新的Brunch项目,他们将在其终端中运行该项目:

my-cli-tool myApp

Brunch will handle most of the work of creating the app itself. 早午餐将处理创建应用程序本身的大部分工作。

Just for reference, you can create Brunch projects by installing Brunch globally ( npm install -g brunch ) and then simply typing brunch new myApp . 仅供参考,您可以通过全局安装Brunch( npm install -g brunch ),然后只需键入brunch new myApp来创建Brunch项目。

I've already setup the necessary stuff for making an NPM package that exposes a binary, so I will just reduce it down to my one script. 我已经设置了制作暴露二进制文件的NPM软件包所必需的内容,因此我将其简化为一个脚本。

What I have tried so far is the following: 到目前为止,我已经尝试了以下方法:

#! /usr/bin/env node
var shell = require("shelljs");

if (!process.argv[2]) {
  console.log('You need to supply a name for your app!');
  console.log('        my-cli-tool <project-name>');
} else {
  var appName = process.argv[2];
  console.log('Your app is now being created...');

  console.log('Installing Brunch...');
  shell.exec('npm install --save brunch');

  console.log('Creating app with Brunch...');
  shell.exec('PATH=$(npm bin):$PATH brunch new ' + appName);

  console.log('Success! Your app is done.');

It works as expected but the problem is, installing Brunch ( npm install --save brunch ) will create a node_modules folder inside the current working directory along with a package.json file. 它可以按预期工作,但问题是,安装Brunch( npm install --save brunch )将在当前工作目录内创建一个node_modules文件夹以及package.json文件。

Ideally, I want the current working directory to be untouched except for the creation of a folder named myApp/ (which is done by Brunch itself). 理想情况下,除了创建名为myApp/的文件夹(由Brunch自己完成)以外,我希望当前工作目录保持不变。 Essentially, I want to use Brunch to generate the app without having any trace of having installed Brunch itself. 本质上,我想使用Brunch来生成应用程序,而无需任何安装Brunch本身的痕迹。

I've taken a look at npm pack but I am not sure how to apply it to my use case. 我看了npm pack但不确定如何将其应用于用例。 Any help would be appreciated, thanks. 任何帮助,将不胜感激,谢谢。

  1. It's crazy to install brunch each time you create an App 每次创建应用程序时都安装早午餐是很疯狂的
  2. Nobody needs a wrapper around a wrapper 没有人需要包装纸的包装纸
  3. Solution: Put brunch in the dependencies of your-awsesome-cli-tool and call it from your package directory 解决方案:将早午餐放入your-awsesome-cli-tool的依赖项中,然后从软件包目录中调用它

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