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[英]how to display optgroup label from database in php select list

**Table ** - ServiceAreaCategory **表**-ServiceAreaCategory

fields - id,name 栏位 -ID,名称

Table - Skill -技能

fields - id,skill_name,service_area_category_id 字段 -id,技能名称,service_area_category_id

on selection of ServiceAreaCategory id i am getting skill_name from skill table. 在选择ServiceAreaCategory ID时,我从技能表中获取了Skill_name。

Now,i want to display name of ServiceAreaCategory table in optgroup of state listbox. 现在,我想在状态列表框的optgroup中显示ServiceAreaCategory表的名称。

I have a dependent dropdown list box like country and state...on selection of countries i am fetching states of selected countries via ajax. 我有一个依赖的下拉列表框,如国家和州...在选择国家时,我正在通过Ajax获取选定国家的州。

now i want to show countries lable in optgroup of states listbox. 现在,我想在州的optgroup国家列表框中显示国家标签。

for ex - when i select india and america from country listbox.. 对于前-当我从国家/地区列表框中选择印度和美国时。

The state listbox shows result like below.. 状态列表框显示结果如下。


can anybody help me to fetch and display optgroup label of my selected state in select box. 任何人都可以帮助我在选择框中获取并显示所选状态的optgroup标签。

below is my code.. 下面是我的代码。

// for displaying countries //用于显示国家

                                echo $this->Form->input('UserLogDetail.service_area_category_id', array(
                                            'id' => 'shipping_type',
                                            'required' => false, 
                                            'multiple' =>'multiple',
                                            'type' => 'select',                                           
                                            'class' => 'form-control',
                                            'label' => false,
                                            'options' => $serviceCategory

                            **// for displaying states of selected countries**

                            echo $this->Form->input('UserLogDetail.skills', array(
                                'class' => 'selectpicker',
                                'required' => false,
                                'multiple' =>'multiple',
                                'id' => 'skills',
                                'label' => false,
                                'options' => '$skills'                                           

**//contoller functions**

 public function getServiceArea(){     
        $serviceCategory = $this->ServiceAreaCategory->find('list',array('conditions'=>array('is_active'=>1),'fields'=>array('ServiceAreaCategory.id','ServiceAreaCategory.name'),'order'=>'name ASC'));

    public function loadSkills() {      
        $skills = array();
        if (isset($this->request['data']['id'])) {
        $ids = explode(",",$this->request['data']['id']);
            $skills = $this->Skill->find('list', array('fields' => array('Skill.id','Skill.skill_name'),'conditions' => array(
            'Skill.service_area_category_id IN' => $ids)));
            } else {
            $skills = $this->Skill->find('list', array('fields' => array('Skill.id','Skill.skill_name'),'conditions' => array(
        'Skill.service_area_category_id' => $ids)));
        echo json_encode($skills);

**Ajax function**

<script type="text/javascript">
    $(document).ready(function() {        
        $("#shipping_type").on('change', function() {
            var id = $(this).val();           
            if (id) {
                var dataString = 'id=' + id;
                    type: "POST",
                    url: '<?php echo Router::url(array("controller" => "Profiles", "action" => "loadSkills"),true); ?>',
                    data: dataString,
                    dataType: 'JSON',
                    cache: false,                  
                   success: function(html) {                       
                        $.each(html, function(key, value) {
  1. First find the distinct record from table ServiceAreaCategory and store the names in the array 首先从表ServiceAreaCategory中找到不同的记录,并将名称存储在数组中

     $ServiceAreaCategory = array( 'serviceName1', 'serviceName2', 'serviceName3', 'serviceName4', 'serviceName...N', ); 
  2. Now Prepare a join record b/W table ServiceAreaCategory and Skill 现在准备一个黑白表的连接记录ServiceAreaCategory and Skill

  3. Now you have get an data-set object from the step 2 and stored in variable $data 现在,您从步骤2中获得了一个数据集对象,并将其存储在变量$data
  4. Loop thorough $data and add the option appropriate to Service name in array $ServiceAreaCategory 循环遍历$ data并在$ServiceAreaCategory数组中添加适合于服务名称的选项

     foreach($data as $row){ if(in_array($row['name'], $ServiceAreaCategory)){ $ServiceAreaCategory[$row['name']][] = array($row['id'] => $row['skill_name']); } } 


$html = "<select>";
foreach($ServiceAreaCategory as $key => $value){
        $html .="<optgroup label='".$key."'>"; 
        foreach($value as $k => $v){
            $html .="<option value='".$k."'>".$v."</option>";
        $html .="</optgroup>"; 

$html .= "</select>";

echo $html;

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