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[英]Post Request to WCF service from a REST client

In my current project, I am sending a POST request to a WCF service. 在当前项目中,我正在向WCF服务发送POST请求。 But, I am getting empty response. 但是,我得到的回应是空洞的。 I have tried to use the similar post on stackoverflow : POST1 and [POST2][2] , but I could not solve the problem. 我试图在stackoverflow上使用类似的帖子: POST1和[POST2] [2],但是我无法解决问题。 My WCF service code is as follows: 我的WCF服务代码如下:

namespace RestfulWCFService 

    [WebInvoke(Method="GET", ResponseFormat= WebMessageFormat.Xml, UriTemplate="xml/?firstname={firstname}&lastname={lastname}")]
    string SayHelloXml(string firstname, string lastname);

    [WebInvoke(Method = "GET", ResponseFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json, UriTemplate = "json/{name}")]
    string SayHelloJson(string name);

    public interface IRestfulTestService 

        [WebInvoke(Method = "POST", ResponseFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json, BodyStyle = WebMessageBodyStyle.Wrapped,
            UriTemplate = "/data")]
        string SayHelloJSONPOSTRequest(string jsonRequestString);


The implementation of the interface is as follows: 接口的实现如下:

namespace RestfulWCFService

       string IRestfulTestService.SayHelloXml(string firstname, string lastname)
        return "Hello  " + firstname + " " +  lastname;

    string IRestfulTestService.SayHelloJson(string name)
        return "Hello  " + name;

    public class RestfulTestService : IRestfulTestService
      string IRestfulTestService.SayHelloJSONPOSTRequest(string jsonRequestString)
            return "Hello  " + jsonRequestString; 


Now, from a REST client, my request is as follow: 现在,从REST客户端,我的要求如下:


and the Content-Type:application/json and payload is {"firstname":"Pankesh"} . 并且Content-Type:application/json和有效负载为{"firstname":"Pankesh"} I am getting no response from WCF. 我没有收到WCF的任何回复。

For your reference, I am attaching the screenshot of my client. 供您参考,我附上我的客户端的屏幕截图。


In the interface you use: 在界面中使用:

string SayHelloJSONPOSTRequest(string jsonRequestString);

But in the implementation of the interface you use: 但是在实现接口时您使用:

string IRestfulTestService.SayHelloJSONPOSTRequest(string jsonString)

One mistake could be the different naming of the json-String-parameter. 一个错误可能是json-String-parameter的不同命名。

EDITS: 编辑:

Firstly try to set content-length in the raw headers in the tool you use above. 首先,尝试在上面使用的工具的原始标头中设置content-length。

Another possible mistake is tha the variable you use in the return statement is not the same as the parameter you given to the method. 另一个可能的错误是,您在return语句中使用的变量与您赋予该方法的参数不同。

string IRestfulTestService.SayHelloJSONPOSTRequest(string jsonRequestString)
     return "Hello  " + jsonString; 

It's probably because you set BodyStyle to WebMessageBodyStyle.Wrapped . 可能是因为您将BodyStyle设置为WebMessageBodyStyle.Wrapped

When you use Wrapped you should post your data as: 使用Wrapped您应将数据发布为:


Alternatively you can change it to WebMessageBodyStyle.Bare , and send it as: 或者,您可以将其更改为WebMessageBodyStyle.Bare ,并将其发送为:


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