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[英]How to dissable href and call onclick at once with(out) jquery?

I found some answers for this question, but non of them worked for me. 我找到了这个问题的一些答案,但没有一个对我有用。
What I wants is to call function myFunc() without refreshing page where href wants. 我想要的是调用函数myFunc()而不刷新href要的页面。
This href is doing his job with GET request and I want it to stay in cause if someone have script block. 这个href正在执行GET请求,如果有人有脚本块,我希望它保持原状。 It have to work without scripts too. 它也必须在没有脚本的情况下工作。
But when somebody hadn't dissabled script, then I wants to not go where href redirect but do myFunc() onclick 但是,当有人没有禁用脚本时,我不想走到href重定向的地方,而是在onclick上执行myFunc()

I had Tried something like this: 我试过这样的事情:
at javascript: 在JavaScript:

function onClickFunc(somedata){

at html: 在html上:

<a onclick="javascript:onClickFunc({{ some_django_data.id }})" href="?current={{ some_django_data.id }}{% if other_django_data %}&page={{ other_django_data.number }}{% endif %}">

When I replace href body with # and put javascript:myFunc({{ some_django_data.id }}) inside onclick then it works. 当我用#替换href主体并将javascript:myFunc({{ some_django_data.id }})放在onclick内时,它将起作用。
Bit it's not soloution because people with script block would lose possibility of using my site. 有点遗憾,因为具有脚本块的人会失去使用我的网站的可能性。
What is wrong with this solution? 该解决方案有什么问题?

Two things: 两件事情:

  1. onXyz attribute-style handlers contain JavaScript code , so there's no need for the javascript: pseudo-protocol. onXyz属性样式的处理程序包含JavaScript代码 ,因此不需要javascript:伪协议。

  2. Because you're coding a function call, if you want access to the event object, you need to pass it into the function 由于您正在编写函数调用的代码,因此,如果要访问事件对象,则需要将其传递给函数

So: 所以:

onclick="onClickFunc(event, {{ some_django_data.id }})"

Then 然后

function onClickFunc(event, somedata) {
    event.preventDefault(); // Stops the default behavior of following the link
    // ...

If you need to support really old browsers (or browsers hobbling themselves and behaving like really old browsers [I'm looking at you, IE9-IE11]), you'll need to allow for the possibility that preventDefault isn't present on the event object. 如果您需要支持真正的旧版浏览器(或像真正的旧版浏览器一样跳动起来并表现为浏览器的浏览器,[我正在看着您,IE9-IE11]),则需要考虑使preventDefault不存在于浏览器中的可能性。事件对象。 The good news is, though, that return false in an onXyz attribute handler prevents the default action. 好消息是,在onXyz属性处理程序中return false阻止默认操作。 So: 所以:

So (note the return ) : 因此(注意return

onclick="return onClickFunc(event, {{ some_django_data.id }})"

and (note the return here too) : (也请注意这里的return

function onClickFunc(event, somedata) {
    if (event.preventDefault) {
        event.preventDefault(); // Stops the default behavior of following the link
    // ...

    return false;

Your code is on the right track, but you forgot to pass the event object to the javascript function. 您的代码在正确的轨道上,但是您忘记了将事件对象传递给javascript函数。


 function myfunc(event, data) { event.preventDefault(); alert("HELLO"); return false; } 
 <a onclick="myfunc(event, 'foo')" href="www.google.com">TESTER</a> 

Note: You do not really need to specify the JS protocol. 注意:您实际上不需要指定JS协议。 Have a look at this SO post . 看看这个SO帖子

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