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[英]Integration test a routes template in Ember.js

I have an ember-cli 2.4.2 application that contains a route myroute and a template myroute.hbs . 我有一个ember-cli 2.4.2应用程序,其中包含路线myroute和模板myroute.hbs

When I integration test components, I do something like this, 当我集成测试组件时,我会做类似的事情,

import { moduleForComponent, test } from 'ember-qunit';
import hbs from 'htmlbars-inline-precompile';

moduleForComponent('mycomponent', 'Integration | Component | mycomponent', {
    integration: true

test('the component', function(assert) {

    assert.notEqual(this.$('.container').text().trim(), 'text');

When I use moduleFor('route:myroute') , the call this.render() throws this.render is not a function . 当我使用moduleFor('route:myroute') ,调用this.render()抛出this.render is not a function As below, if I call route.render() it throws Error: Assertion Failed: Could not find "hbs{{myroute}}" template, view, or component. 如下所示,如果我调用route.render()则会引发Error: Assertion Failed: Could not find "hbs{{myroute}}" template, view, or component.

The goal is to integration test a route's template. 目的是集成测试路线模板。 I'd like to use jQuery to ensure the template rendered correctly. 我想使用jQuery来确保模板正确呈现。 I have some computed properties on the route that influence what's displayed. 我在路线上有一些计算出的属性会影响显示的内容。

I can't seem to find any good documentation on integration testing a routes template. 我似乎找不到关于集成测试路由模板的任何好的文档。 Any ideas or pointers? 有什么想法或建议吗? Many thanks. 非常感谢。

import Ember from 'ember';
import { moduleFor, test } from 'ember-qunit';
import hbs from 'htmlbars-inline-precompile';

moduleFor('route:myroute', 'Integration | Route | myroute', {
    integration: true,

test('the route', function(assert) {
    const mockModel = {
        response: { field1: true, field2: false }

    const route = this.subject({ model: mockModel });


    // ...

If you need to test template of a route, use acceptance tests . 如果需要测试路径模板,请使用验收测试

If you need to test methods and computed properties of a route, use unit tests . 如果需要测试路线的方法和计算属性,请使用单元测试

I think the closest you can get to solve the problem is to use acceptance tests where you can use jQuery and also navigate to certain routes in your application. 我认为,解决该问题最接近的方法是使用验收测试,在其中可以使用jQuery并导航到应用程序中的某些路由。 You also get async helpers there like andThen , visit . 您还会在那里获得异步帮助者,例如andThen ,然后visit Please refer to Ember Guides on Acceptance Testing . 请参阅Ember验收测试指南

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