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是否存在某种“ strcmpf”实现?

[英]Does some kind of 'strcmpf' implementation exists?

I am looking for a function that checks if a string follows (matches exactly) the pattern of data specified by the additional arguments corresponding to the format string Like this: 我正在寻找一个函数,该函数检查字符串是否遵循(完全匹配)与format字符串相对应的附加参数所指定的数据模式,如下所示:

/* int strcmpf (char *str1, char *format, ...); */
char *test = "Hello World !"

if(!strcmpf(test, "%s%*s %c", "Hello ", '!')

Implementing this myself I assume will be very difficult, but such function could be very useful for semantic parsing of content. 我以为自己实现起来很困难,但是这种功能对于内容的语义解析可能非常有用。 Before I attempt to write such function myself, I need to know if there is already a library or code snippet that provides implementation of a function like this ? 在尝试自己编写此类函数之前,我需要知道是否已经有一个库或代码片段提供了此类功能的实现?

To be more specific, I need pattern-matching behavior. 更具体地说,我需要模式匹配行为。 So test must match exactly the pattern specified by the data corresponding to the format parameter. 因此, test必须与匹配format参数的数据所指定的模式完全匹配。

I need to know if there is already a library or code snippet that provides implementation of a function like this 我需要知道是否已经有一个库或代码片段提供了这种功能的实现

The standard library has no such functionality. 标准库没有此类功能。 Requests for third-party library recommendations are off-topic here, but to the extent that I understand the functionality you want, I am anyway unaware of an existing third-party implementation. 在这里,对第三方库建议的请求不在主题之列,但是就我了解您想要的功能而言,我仍然不知道现有的第三方实现。

As I said in comments, I suggest that you design the pattern-matching aspect around bona fide regular expressions instead of around printf() or scanf() formats (which are not entirely the same). 正如我在评论中所说,我建议您围绕善意的正则表达式设计模式匹配方面,而不是围绕printf()scanf()格式(这并不完全相同)进行设计。 There are several regular expression libraries available to support that part. 有几种正则表达式库可用于支持该部分。

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