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[英]Click Event Not Firing After Changing ObservableCollection

I am not experienced with WPF, so please forgive my lack of understanding. 我对WPF没有经验,所以请原谅我缺乏理解。

EDIT: I'm working on a simplistic chess GUI, and the pieces move fine until one tries to move a piece that has already been moved. 编辑:我正在研究一个简单的国际象棋GUI,这些棋子移动很好,直到一个人试图移动一个已被移动的棋子。 If we try to move the piece to a previously occupied square, the click event won't fire at all. 如果我们尝试将棋子移动到之前占用的方格,则点击事件根本不会发射。 If we try to move it to a previously untouched square, the event will fire, but the UI won't update. 如果我们尝试将其移动到之前未触及的方块,则会触发该事件,但UI不会更新。

Here's the XAML for the chessboard (borrowed from here: WPF controls needed to build chess application ): 这是棋盘的XAML(从这里借用: 构建国际象棋应用程序所需的WPF控件 ):

<Window x:Class="Client.MainWindow"
        Title="butnotquite Chess" Height="600" Width="600">

        <DrawingBrush x:Key="Checkerboard" Stretch="None" TileMode="Tile" Viewport="0,0,2,2" ViewportUnits="Absolute">
                    <GeometryDrawing Brush="Tan">
                            <RectangleGeometry Rect="0,0,2,2" />
                    <GeometryDrawing Brush="Brown">
                                <RectangleGeometry Rect="0,0,1,1" />
                                <RectangleGeometry Rect="1,1,1,1" />

        <Style x:Key="PieceStyle" TargetType="{x:Type Image}">
                    <Condition Binding="{Binding PieceType}" Value="{x:Static defaults:PieceType.None}"/>
                    <Condition Binding="{Binding Color}" Value="{x:Static defaults:Color.None}"/>
                    <Setter Property="Image.Source" Value="/Images/empty_square.png" />
                    <Condition Binding="{Binding PieceType}" Value="{x:Static defaults:PieceType.Pawn}"/>
                    <Condition Binding="{Binding Color}" Value="{x:Static defaults:Color.White}"/>
                    <Setter Property="Image.Source" Value="/Images/white_pawn.png" />

        <ItemsControl Name="ChessboardUI">
                    <Canvas Width="8" Height="8" Background="{StaticResource Checkerboard}"/>
                    <Border Name="square"  PreviewMouseDown="square_MouseLeftButtonDown" Width="1" Height="1" >
                        <Image Width="0.8" Height="0.8" Style="{StaticResource PieceStyle}"/>
                    <Setter Property="Canvas.Left" Value="{Binding Position.X}" />
                    <Setter Property="Canvas.Top" Value="{Binding Position.Y}" />

I've ommitted the multidata triggers for all pieces as they are all similar. 我已经省略了所有部分的多数据触发器,因为它们都很相似。

Here's the viewmodel. 这是viewmodel。 I'm using the MVVMLight library: 我正在使用MVVMLight库:

public class PieceViewModel : ViewModelBase
    private PieceType pieceType;
    private Color color;
    private Point position;

    public PieceType PieceType
            return this.pieceType;

            this.pieceType = value;
            base.RaisePropertyChanged(() => this.PieceType);

    public Color Color
            return this.color;

            this.color = value;
            base.RaisePropertyChanged(() => this.Color);

    public Point Position
            return this.position;

            this.position = value;
            base.RaisePropertyChanged(() => this.Position);

Here's how I fill the ObservableCollection: 这是我填充ObservableCollection的方法:

private void BindPieces()
        this.chessboard = new Chessboard(false);
        this.pieces = new ObservableCollection<PieceViewModel>();

        for (int square = 0; square < this.chessboard.Board.Length; square++)
            int x = square % 8;
            int y = square / 8;
            Point position = new Point(x, y);
            PieceViewModel pieceModel = new PieceViewModel()
                PieceType = this.chessboard.Board[square].OccupiedBy.Type,
                Color = this.chessboard.Board[square].OccupiedBy.Color,
                Position = position


        this.ChessboardUI.ItemsSource = this.pieces;

More code can be found here: https://github.com/YouJinTou/butnotquite/tree/master/Client 可在此处找到更多代码: https//github.com/YouJinTou/butnotquite/tree/master/Client

Thanks for any and all help. 感谢您的帮助。

As lokusking has commented, the collection needs to be instantiated only once, which was the case here; 正如lokusking所评论的那样,集合只需要实例化一次,这就是这里的情况; however, I had failed to clear it and rebind it after every click. 然而,我没有清除它并在每次点击后重新绑定它。 It seems like a hackish solution, but it works. 这似乎是一个hackish解决方案,但它的工作原理。

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