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[英]Remove a range of escape / non-printable chars in sed

I am working from horrible text data (2GB csv file) which includes practically all escape chars 0x00-0x1F spattered throughout the file. 我正在使用可怕的文本数据(2GB的csv文件)工作,实际上包括整个文件中分散的所有转义字符0x00-0x1F。 I attempted to read this into R for processing but cannot due to the EOFs (0x04): 我试图将其读入R进行处理,但由于EOF(0x04)而不能:

    Warning message:
    In scan(file, what, nmax, sep, dec, quote, skip, nlines, na.strings,  :
      EOF within quoted string

So I thought sed would be a good use to remove all the non-printable junk in the file, but there seems to be some strangeness in how to represent the escape chars in the sed syntax. 因此,我认为sed可以很好地删除文件中所有不可打印的垃圾,但是在sed语法中如何表示转义字符似乎有些奇怪。 I have tried all of the following which do not seem to work: 我尝试了以下所有似乎无效的方法:

Include only specified chars: 仅包括指定的字符:

    sed 's/[^a-zA-Z 0-9`~!@#$%^&*()_+\[\]\\{}|;'\'':",.\/<>?]//g' IN.csv > OUT.csv

Identify range of non-printable in decimal or hex: 以十进制或十六进制标识不可打印的范围:

    cat IN.csv | sed 's/[\d0-\d31]//g' > OUT.csv

    cat IN.csv | sed s/[$'\x00'-$'\x1F']//g OUT.csv

    cat IN.csv | sed 's/\x00-\x1F//g' > OUT.csv

and using Ctrl-V Ctrl-D to produce this: 并使用Ctrl-V Ctrl-D生成此代码:

    cat IN.csv | sed s/^D//g > OUT.csv

All the commands appear to execute, but the resulting file output does not remove the non-printable chars and appears to change the output in ways unexpected. 所有命令似乎都在执行,但是结果文件输出不会删除不可打印的字符,并且似乎以意想不到的方式更改了输出。

What I found that DOES WORK is this: 我发现确实可以做到这一点:

    cat IN.csv | sed 's/'`echo -e "\x04"`'//g' > OUT.csv

or this: 或这个:

    cat IN.csv | sed 's/\x04//g' > test3.csv

However this only works for a single escape char. 但是,这仅适用于单个转义字符。 Is there a better way to address all of the non-printable chars at the same time in a single range without having to execute 1 command for each non-printable? 有没有更好的方法可以在单个范围内同时处理所有不可打印的字符,而不必为每个不可打印的字符执行1个命令? I assume I must not be entering the syntax for a range properly. 我假设我不能正确输入范围的语法。

For removal (and transliteration) there is a better tool called tr (translate or delete characters). 对于删除(和音译),有一个更好的工具叫做tr (翻译或删除字符)。 You can remove non-printable characters using: 您可以使用以下方法删除不可打印的字符:

cat IN.csv | tr -cd '\11\12\15\40-\176' > OUT.csv

-d - deletes characters mentioned, -c inverts the ranges. -d删除提到的字符, -c反转范围。

Or using the POSIX [:print:] : 或使用POSIX [:print:]

cat IN.csv | tr -cd '[:print:]' > OUT.csv

You could try awk : 您可以尝试awk

awk '{gsub(/[[:punct:]]/,"")}1' your_file

or try sed : 或尝试sed

sed "s/[^a-z|0-9]//g;" orig_file > new_file

or try perl: 或尝试perl:

perl -pe 's/[^A-Za-z0-9\s]//g' orig_file > new_file

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