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[英]jQuery - Get the data from a cell in a selected row

I have this snippet of code, testing whether or not I am getting results: 我有以下代码段,用于测试是否获得结果:

$("#texts tr").on("click", function(evt){
    var parent_id = $(("td")[0]).text();

And it delivers nothing, so I imagine I have constructed my attempt at retrieving the data improperly? 它什么也没有提供,所以我想我已经构造了尝试不正确地检索数据的尝试吗?

UPDATE: html (generated using jade views in Node) 更新:html(使用Node中的jade视图生成)

extends layout
//- Format for displaying list of texts

block content
    h1 Equity Texts
                th Objid
                th Book Title
                each text in texts
                    tr(id = "book_" + text.objid)
                        td= text.objid
                        td= text.book_title


As far as I understand, you want to get text of the first td of the clicked tr. 据我了解,您想获取单击的tr的第一个td的文本。 Try this instead: 尝试以下方法:

$("#texts tr").on("click", function(){
    var parent_id = $(this).find('td:first').text();

You can replace td:first with td:eq(0) 您可以将td:first替换为td:eq(0)

The selector is t which doesn't select any elements. 选择器是t ,它不选择任何元素。 The code snippet ("td")[0] returns t and you are passing it as a selector to jQuery. 代码段("td")[0]返回t ,您将其作为选择器传递给jQuery。

For getting text content of the first td element you can code: 为了获得第一个td元素的文本内容,您可以编写以下代码:

// you probably wanted to use this syntax
$( $('td')[0] ).text();
// other alternatives

Just found another answer that works also. 刚刚找到了另一个可行的答案。 Thanks for the assist. 感谢您的协助。

http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15615825/how-to-access-specific-cell-of-clicked-table-row-in-javascript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15615825/how-to-access-specific-cell-of-clicked-table-row-in-javascript

I didn't know about the cells property. 我不知道细胞的性质。 If that isn't deprecated at this point. 如果现在不建议这样做。

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