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[英]Australian Mobile number regular expression validation needs to allow space in between number

I need to validate the mobile number 我需要验证手机号码

  • first text input starting with 04 以04开头的第一个文本输入
  • should be total 10 digits including 04(eg : 0412345678) 应为10位数,包括04(例如:0412345678)

my input field is below 我的输入字段如下

<form name="uploadForm">
<input type="tel" name="MobileNumber" id="MobileNumber" data-ng-model="ApplicationData.MobileNumber" required maxlength="14" data-ng-pattern="/^(0?4[0-9]{8}/\s)$/">
<span data-ng-show="uploadForm.MobileNumber.$error.pattern">Please enter a valid mobile number.</span>

<input type="tel" name="Number" id="Number" data-ng-model="ApplicationData.Number" required maxlength="14" data-ng-pattern="/(^1300\d{6}$)|(^1800\d{6}$)|(^0[2|3|7|8]{1}[0-9]{8}$)|(^04\d{2,3}\d{6}$)/">

<span data-ng-show="uploadForm.Number.$error.pattern">Please enter a valid mobile number.</span>


any one can you help me please ? 有人可以帮我吗?

I think for your first question replace with this regexp. 我认为您的第一个问题是用此正则表达式替换。 it accepts space in between number. 它接受数字之间的空格。


for your second question, its quite long this is what i can come up with at this moment. 对于您的第二个问题,这是我目前能想到的很长的时间。


any body have interest to modify/short this one. 任何机构都有兴趣修改/缩短此内容。

If I understand this correctly, this is your regex pattern. 如果我正确理解这一点,这就是您的正则表达式模式。


^04 - starts with 04 ^04从04开始
[0-9]{8} - matches the next 8 digits [0-9]{8} -匹配接下来的8位数字
$ - matches end of string $ -匹配字符串的结尾

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