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[英]Google charts add option programmatically

Is it possible to add an option to the chart after it is drown? 它可以在图表被淹后后添加一个选项吗?

I know i can delete an option with delete option.optionname but how can i add a new one? 我知道我可以用delete option.optionname删除一个选项,但是如何添加一个新选项呢?

Edit: @WhiteHat answer options.backgroundColor = 'cyan'; 编辑:@WhiteHat回答options.backgroundColor = 'cyan'; works quite well but how can i add an animation like: 效果很好,但我怎么能添加动画像:

  animation: {
            duration: 4000,
            startup: true,
            easing: 'inAndOut',

to an existing option. 现有的选择。

anytime you want to change an option, the chart must be redrawn 无论何时想要更改选项,都必须重新绘制图表

so it's easy as... 所以它很容易......

  options.backgroundColor = 'cyan';
  chart.draw(data, options);

you can also use the Chart Wrapper Class , which has a method setOption 您还可以使用Chart Wrapper Class ,它具有方法setOption

but again, it must be redrawn afterwards 但同样,之后必须重新绘制

see following working snippet, which draws both... 请参阅以下工作片段,其中包含两个...

 google.charts.load('current', { callback: function () { var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([ ['Year', 'Sales', 'Expenses'], ['2004', 1000, 400], ['2005', 1170, 460], ['2006', 660, 1120], ['2007', 1030, 540] ]); var options = { title: 'Company Performance', curveType: 'function', legend: {position: 'bottom'} }; var chart = new google.visualization.LineChart(document.getElementById('chart_div')); google.visualization.events.addOneTimeListener(chart, 'ready', function () { options.backgroundColor = 'cyan'; chart.draw(data, options); }); chart.draw(data, options); var wrapper = new google.visualization.ChartWrapper({ chartType: 'LineChart', containerId: 'wrapper_div', dataTable: data, options: options }); google.visualization.events.addOneTimeListener(wrapper, 'ready', function () { wrapper.setOption('backgroundColor', 'magenta'); wrapper.draw(); }); wrapper.draw(); }, packages: ['corechart'] }); 
 div { padding: 8px; } 
 <script src="https://www.gstatic.com/charts/loader.js"></script> <div id="chart_div"></div> <div id="wrapper_div"></div> 

This will be my suggestion: 这将是我的建议:

Every time you have a new data. Call  location.reload();

Which will reload the page and then from there load function will be automatically called. Load function are as follows.

$(function(data,options) {



Define a custom function which will take data and redraw the chart. Cutom funciton is as follows:

function drawCustomChart(data,options){
chart.draw(data, {
  width: 400,
  height: 240,
  title: 'Toppings I Like On My Pizza',
  colors: ['#e0440e', '#e6693e', '#ec8f6e', '#f3b49f', '#f6c7b6'],
  is3D: true



After drawing the chart I thing this is the only thing which will fulfill your requirement. Because somewhere down the line we are consuming google Api to draw the chart. And it does not give liberty to change the option after the chart has been drawn.


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