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[英]invoking shared library loader from c code

I have a shared library that I would like to load twice in my program. 我有一个共享库,我想在我的程序中加载两次。 The use case is as following: 用例如下:

  • Open program (and load library) 打开程序(和加载库)
  • Call Function F1() from library 从库中调用函数F1()
  • detach library from program 从程序中分离库
  • load library again and re-initialize all variables 再次加载库并重新初始化所有变量
  • Call Function F1() from library again 再次从库中调用函数F1()

Is there a way from C/C++ code to do this? 有没有办法从C / C ++代码执行此操作? I am interested in a solution that works with gcc/g++ 我对使用gcc / g ++的解决方案感兴趣

At first I was thinking about LoadLibrary , GetProcAddress and FreeLibrary but then I mentioned that you want gcc/g++ , which looks like you need *NIX solution. 起初我在考虑LoadLibraryGetProcAddressFreeLibrary,但之后我提到你想要gcc/g++看起来你需要* NIX解决方案。 So I just have stolen solution from here : 所以我只是从这里偷了解决方案:

loadlib.h loadlib.h

#ifndef  __LOADLIB_H
#define  __LOADLIB_H

#ifdef UNIX
#include <dlfcn.h>

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

typedef void* (*funcPtr)();

#ifdef UNIX
#  define IMPORT_DIRECTIVE __attribute__((__visibility__("default")))
#  define CALL  
#  define IMPORT_DIRECTIVE __declspec(dllimport) 
#  define CALL __stdcall

extern "C" {
  IMPORT_DIRECTIVE void* CALL LoadLibraryA(const char* sLibName); 
  IMPORT_DIRECTIVE funcPtr CALL GetProcAddress(
                                    void* hModule, const char* lpProcName);
  IMPORT_DIRECTIVE bool CALL  FreeLibrary(void* hLib);


Loadlib.cpp Loadlib.cpp

#include "loadlib.h"

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  #ifndef UNIX
    char* fileName = "hello.dll";
    void* libraryHandle = LoadLibraryA(fileName);
    if (libraryHandle == NULL)
      cout << "dll not found" << endl;
    else  // make a call to "printHello" from the hello.dll 
      (GetProcAddress(libraryHandle, "printHello"))();
#else // unix
    void (*voidfnc)(); 
    char* fileName = "hello.so";
    void* libraryHandle = dlopen(fileName, RTLD_LAZY);
    if (libraryHandle == NULL)
      cout << "shared object not found" << endl;
    else  // make a call to "printHello" from the hello.so
      voidfnc = (void (*)())dlsym(libraryHandle, "printHello"); 

  return 0;

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