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[英]Show toast only if it's different from the existing toast

So my goal is to only have a toast message shown to the user if there is no toast message showing or if the message showing is NOT the same as the message I want to send. 因此,我的目标是仅在没有显示Toast消息或显示的消息与我要发送的消息不同的情况下,向用户显示Toast消息。 If the message IS the same as the one being shown to the user, I don't want the message to go through (because that is pointless). 如果该消息与向用户显示的消息相同,则我不希望该消息通过(因为这毫无意义)。

To work towards this goal, I found this post on how to only show a toast if none are being shown. 为了实现这个目标,我找到了这篇文章,内容关于如何仅在未显示吐司的情况下显示吐司。

I have modified the code to fit both requirements. 我已修改代码以同时满足这两个要求。

private Toast toast;

public void showAToast (String st, boolean isLong){
        String text = ((TextView)((LinearLayout)toast.getView()).getChildAt(0)).getText().toString();
            //New message, show it after
                toast = Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), st, Toast.LENGTH_LONG);
            } else {
                toast = Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), st, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        //New message
            toast = Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), st, Toast.LENGTH_LONG);
        } else {
            toast = Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), st, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT);

My issue is that any message will not go through if the last toast message was the same as the message that wants to go through. 我的问题是,如果最后一个吐司消息与想要通过的消息相同,则任何消息都不会通过。

Not sure exactly why this occurs, but I put some debugging messages in the method to figure out what the issue was. 不知道为什么会这样,但是我在方法中放入了一些调试消息以找出问题所在。

The messages say that toast.getView().isShown() does not throw the exception (suppose to mean no toast is shown) if any toast message has been sent in the app's lifetime. 消息说,如果在应用程序的生存期内发送了任何Toast消息,则toast.getView()。isShown()不会引发异常(假定表示未显示Toast)。

So my question is, how can I work around this? 所以我的问题是,我该如何解决? Surely there must be a way to achieve this desired functionality. 当然,必须有一种方法来实现此所需功能。

I saw this before in stackoverflow, but it's not nearly as clean as I would have liked. 我之前在stackoverflow中看到过这一点,但是它并不像我想要的那么干净。 We implemented a dual toast approach, where it alternates between two toasts. 我们实施了双重吐司方法,在两种吐司之间交替进行。 First we define the toasts for the activity prior to the OnCreate: 首先,我们在OnCreate之前为活动定义敬酒:

Toast toast0;
    Toast toast1;
    private static boolean lastToast0 = true;
    In the OnCreate:

    toast0 = new Toast(getApplicationContext());
    toast1 = new Toast(getApplicationContext());
    //And finally, when I need to display the toast and cancel the prior toast at the same time I use something similar to:

            if (lastToast0) {
                toast1.setText("new message");
                lastToast0 = false;
            } else {
                toast0.setText("new message");
                lastToast0 = true;
   // If you need to just cancel an existing toast (before it times out) use:


Quotation 报价单

You can use the same Toast instance to show message. 您可以使用相同的Toast实例显示消息。 If the message is same, the toast will no show twice time, otherwise the text will simple change to the latest one. 如果消息相同,则吐司将不会显示两次,否则,文本将简单地更改为最新的消息。

Toast mToast;

public void showToast(CharSequence message, int during){
    if (mToast == null) {
        mToast = Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), message, during);
    } else {

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Sorry about that I miss your point above. 对不起,我想念你的意思。

I read the source of Toast that we cannot get the view status since the view had been add to the WindownManager.So far, I cannot find out a method to point whether the Toast is shown. 我阅读了Toast的源代码,因为该视图已添加到WindownManager中,所以我们无法获得视图状态。到目前为止,我还找不到一种方法来指出是否显示了Toast。

But you can achieve your own Toast use Service,which likes a toast shown above the application. 但是您可以实现自己的Toast使用服务,它类似于应用程序上方显示的Toast。 it may be easier. 可能会更容易。

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