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[英]Randomize background img with JS

I have working code, that randomly changes background of the body with my gif's. 我有有效的代码,可以通过gif随机更改body背景。

var totalCount = 11;
function ChangeIt() {
  var num = Math.ceil( Math.random() * totalCount );
  document.body.background = '/static/img/'+num+'.gif';
  document.body.style.backgroundRepeat = "repeat";
window.onload = ChangeIt;

Now I want to use it with another HTML element, one of the div's, for example. 现在,我想将其与另一个HTML元素(例如div之一)一起使用。 Changing document.body.background to document.getElementById('id').background doesn't work. document.body.background更改为document.getElementById('id').background无效。 How should I change the code? 我应该如何更改代码?

Have you tried this? 你有尝试过吗?

document.getElementById('id').style.backgroundImage = "url('/static/img/" + num + ".gif')";

Also, the RNG with Math.ceil() means that images are based on 1 not on 0 : 同样,带有Math.ceil()的RNG表示图像基于1而不基于0


If this is not the case use Math.floor() : 如果不是这种情况,请使用Math.floor()


Depending on what the element is, you may need to set its dimensions (width and height). 根据元素是什么,您可能需要设置其尺寸(宽度和高度)。 This is an example HTML element: 这是一个示例HTML元素:

<div id="imagediv" style="width: 320px; height: 640px; background-repeat: repeat;"></div>

This the resulting code: 结果代码如下:

var totalCount = 11;

window.onload = function () {
  var num, node;

  num = Math.ceil(Math.random() * totalCount);
  node = document.getElementById("imagediv");

  node.style.backgroundImage = "url('/static/img/" + num + ".gif')";


document.getElementById('id').style.backgroundImage = "url('img_tree.png')";

document.body.background mostly worked for body background but not other html elements.So used this document.getElementById('id').style.backgroundImage = "url(..)"; document.body.background主要用于正文背景,但不适用于其他html元素。因此使用了此document.getElementById('id').style.backgroundImage = "url(..)";

var totalCount = 11;
function ChangeIt() {
  var divs =document.getElementById('id');
  var num = Math.ceil( Math.random() * totalCount );
  divs.style.backgroundImage = 'url(/static/img/'+num+'.gif)';
  divs.style.backgroundRepeat = "repeat";
  divs.style.height = "300px"; //testing
window.onload = ChangeIt;

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