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将对象从数组返回到HTML javascript

[英]Return object from array to html javascript

I have an html file with different links and if you hover over them I used to have a tooltip come up with the description of the company. 我有一个带有不同链接的html文件,如果将鼠标悬停在它们上面,我以前通常会在工具提示中提供该公司的描述。 I am trying to separate this all out with JSON and CSV to JSON here but I can't get the 'description' of the company back into the html here. 我试图在这里用JSON和CSV将所有内容都分离为JSON,但是我无法在此处将公司的“说明”重新添加到html中。

If I hover over a link it will start an OnMouseOver event and define a variable "manu" with the name of the manufacturer. 如果将鼠标悬停在链接上,它将启动OnMouseOver事件,并使用制造商的名称定义变量“ manu”。 Then it will return the description of the manufacturer at the end of the function openManu. 然后它将在函数openManu的末尾返回制造商的描述。 I need to then take that returned string and insert it into the html in the object with ID = content. 然后,我需要获取返回的字符串,并将其插入ID = content的对象的html中。 I think there is just something fundamentally wrong with my code and I need help finding what it is. 我认为我的代码根本上有问题,我需要帮助找到它的含义。

The "content" div is supposed to follow the mouse cursor around with MouseEvent clientX and clientY. “ content” div应该与MouseEvent clientX和clientY一起跟随鼠标光标。 It should contain the description text correspondent with the manufacturer. 它应包含与制造商对应的描述文字。

 function openWeb(URL) { window.open(URL);} function openManu(manu) { var manu = "" var arr = [ { "Manufacturer": "Generic Company", "Description": "Brief description of said generic company" }, { "Manufacturer": "Different company", "Description": "A description of this different company" } ] for (var i=0; i<arr.length; i++){ var obj = arr[i]; var m = obj["Manufacturer"]; if (manu == m) { return obj["Description"]; } var desc = func("openManu") try { document.getElementById('content').innerHTML = desc } } return ""; var tooltipSpan = document.getElementById('content'); window.onmousemove = function (e) { var x = e.clientX, y = e.clientY; tooltipSpan.style.top = y + 'px'; tooltipSpan.style.left = (x + 20) + 'px'; } //if mouse leaves link area, hide text file container function mouseOut() { document.getElementById('content').style.display = 'none' } } 
 <div id="content"></div> <pre style="float:left;"> <a onmouseover="openManu('Generic Company')" onmouseout="mouseOut()" onClick="openWeb('http://www.stackoverflow.com/')">Generic Company</a> <a onmouseover="openManu('Different company')" onmouseout="mouseOut()" onClick="openWeb('http://www.stackoverflow.com/')">Different Company</a> </pre> 

 function openManu(manu) { document.getElementById('content').style.display = 'block' var arr = [ { "Manufacturer": "Generic Company", "Description": "Brief description of said generic company" }, { "Manufacturer": "Different company", "Description": "A description of this different company" } ] var desc for (var i=0; i<arr.length; i++){ var obj = arr[i]; var m = obj["Manufacturer"]; if (manu == m) { desc = obj["Description"]; } } document.getElementById('content').innerHTML = desc } window.onmousemove = function (e) { var tooltipSpan = document.getElementById('content'); var x = e.clientX, y = e.clientY; tooltipSpan.style.top = (y - 20) + 'px'; tooltipSpan.style.left = x + 'px'; } //if mouse leaves link area, hide text file container var mouseOut = function(){ document.getElementById('content').style.display = 'none' } 
 #content { position: absolute; background-color: grey; opacity: 0.75; border: 1px solid black; color: white; } 
 <div id="content"></div> <pre style="float:left;"> <a onmouseover="openManu('Generic Company')" onmouseout="mouseOut()" onClick="openWeb('http://www.stackoverflow.com/')">Generic Company</a> <a onmouseover="openManu('Different company')" onmouseout="mouseOut()" onClick="openWeb('http://www.stackoverflow.com/')">Different Company</a> </pre> 

A few issues - 一些问题-

  • on mouseOver, change the display back to block (or whatever) 在mouseOver上,将显示更改回块(或其他)
  • problems with scope within your various functions 各种功能范围内的问题
  • you were redefining manu to an empty string at the top of your function, negating what you passed in from your HTML 您正在重新界定manu在你的函数的顶部为一个空字符串,否定你在从你的HTML传递
  • your for loop wasn't changing a variable or returning anything usable 您的for循环没有更改变量或返回任何可用的东西
  • some functionality that I assume you didn't want in your for loop was nested inside it. 我假设您不希望在for循环中使用的某些功能嵌套在其中。 Proper indentation will help you notice these issues. 适当的缩进将帮助您注意到这些问题。
  • something I have come to learn when working with UI - tooltips are best displayed above what you're hovering over since most people scroll top to bottom 使用UI时我已经学到了一些东西-工具提示最好显示在您要悬停的内容上方,因为大多数人从上到下滚动

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