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使用自签名SSL证书时,Mono HTTPListener会引发异常

[英]Mono HTTPListener throws exception when using self signed SSL certificate

I wrote a little web server on Linux using the Mono HTTPListener class. 我使用Mono HTTPListener类在Linux上编写了一个小型Web服务器。 It works fine for http requests. 它适用于http请求。 However, if I use a self-signed SSL certificate (created with openssl and installed with httpcfg) it will throw an un-catchable exception as soon as the request forom a browser comes in. 但是,如果我使用自签名SSL证书(使用openssl创建并使用httpcfg安装),则只要请求导致浏览器进入,它就会抛出一个无法捕获的异常。

The exception is: 例外是:

Unhandled Exception:
System.IO.IOException: The authentication or decryption has failed. ---> Mono.Security.Protocol.Tls.TlsException: The client stopped the handshake.
at Mono.Security.Protocol.Tls.SslServerStream.EndNegotiateHandshake (IAsyncResult asyncResult) <0xb4b079c8 + 0x001cf> in <filename unknown>:0 
at Mono.Security.Protocol.Tls.SslStreamBase.AsyncHandshakeCallback (IAsyncResult asyncResult) <0xb4b07428 + 0x0005f> in <filename unknown>:0

Here is the complete code: 这是完整的代码:

using System;
using System.Net;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;

namespace SSLTest
    class MainClass
        static void Main ()
                HttpListener l = new HttpListener ();
                l.Prefixes.Add ("https://*:8443/");
                l.Start ();

                Console.WriteLine("Server is running.");
                while (l.IsListening)
                    //create the worker thread
                    HttpListenerContext ctx = l.GetContext();   //.GetContext() blocks until something comes in
                    if(ctx != null)
                        if(ctx.Request.RemoteEndPoint != null)
                            Thread workerThread = new Thread(() => RunWorker(ctx));
                Console.WriteLine("Server is stopped.");
            catch(Exception ex) 
                Console.WriteLine ("Exception in Main: " + ex);

        static void RunWorker(HttpListenerContext ctx)
                if(ctx.Request != null)
                    if(ctx.Request.RemoteEndPoint != null)
                        Console.WriteLine ("Got request from " + ctx.Request.RemoteEndPoint.ToString());
                        string rstr = "Test Website!\n" + DateTime.Now.ToString();
                        byte[] buf = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(rstr);
                            ctx.Response.ContentLength64 = buf.Length;
                            ctx.Response.OutputStream.Write(buf, 0, buf.Length);
            catch(Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine ("@Exception in RunWorker: " + ex.Message);


This is the case when I am using a browser for the first time. 这是我第一次使用浏览器时的情况。 The browser will show something like "Unsafe certificate! Do you want to continue (not recommended)?". 浏览器将显示“不安全的证书!你想继续(不推荐)吗?”。 If I click on Yes and restart the crashed server app it will work from that moment on. 如果我单击是并重新启动崩溃的服务器应用程序,它将从那一刻开始工作。

How can I fix this? 我怎样才能解决这个问题?

Also, I am not able to catch this exception with a try block. 此外,我无法通过try块捕获此异常。 It will always terminate my application. 它将始终终止我的申请。 How can I prevent that? 我怎么能防止这种情况?

Should be fixed by an unreleased bug fix https://bugzilla.xamarin.com/show_bug.cgi?id=52675 ... although I have not had a chance to test. 应该通过未发布的错误修复https://bugzilla.xamarin.com/show_bug.cgi?id=52675修复...虽然我没有机会测试。

I have seen this as well and am currently trying to find a way to handle the exception. 我也看到了这一点,目前正试图找到一种方法来处理异常。 This looks to be a bug in Mono. 这看起来像是Mono中的一个错误。

It occurs when certificate verification fails in any way. 它在证书验证以任何方式失败时发生。

I obtained a CA signed cert which fixed the problem as long as the certificate common name (dns) is the same as the dns used in the URL I'm trying to send a get request to. 我获得了一个CA签名证书,它修复了问题,只要证书公用名(dns)与我尝试向其发送get请求的URL中使用的dns相同即可。 If I instead specify the public IP address in the url (which the cert is not registered with) the mono app will crash with an unhandled exception. 如果我改为在url中指定公共IP地址(证书未注册),单声道应用程序将因未处理的异常而崩溃。

One option we're considering is implementing a TCP based webserver which would use a TcpListener instead of the heavy HttpListener which would in turn fix other problems we're seeing with mono httplistener prefixes not working correctly when bound to the internal IP behind a NAT. 我们正在考虑的一个选项是实现一个基于TCP的网络服务器,它将使用TcpListener而不是繁重的HttpListener,这将反过来解决我们看到的单个httplistener前缀在绑定到NAT后面的内部IP时无法正常工作的其他问题。 This would mean the cert could be bound pro-grammatically as well, it just takes more work. 这意味着证书也可以用语法学方式绑定,只需要做更多的工作。

Below is a very rough version of what this might look like. 下面是这可能是什么样子的非常粗略的版本。 By no means is this a finished product but it may serve to help others on this same path... I'll have to do this in two answers, this is the tcp web server. 这绝不是一个成品,但它可以帮助其他人走上同样的道路......我必须在两个答案中做到这一点,这就是tcp web服务器。

using System;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;

namespace Example.Lib.Net
    internal class TcpWebServer : IDisposable
        private TcpListener m_Listener = null;
        private bool m_IsSSL = false;
        private X509Certificate2 m_ServerCertificate = null;

        internal X509Certificate2 ServerCertificate
            get { return m_ServerCertificate; }
            set { m_ServerCertificate = value; }

        internal void Start(string ip, int port, bool useSsl = false)
            if (useSsl) // for player streams always use ssl to
                m_IsSSL = true;
                m_ServerCertificate = new X509Certificate2("./cert/cert.pfx", "pass");

                X509Store store = new X509Store(StoreName.TrustedPublisher, StoreLocation.LocalMachine);

            IPAddress ipAddr = IPAddress.Any;
            if (ip != "*") IPAddress.TryParse(ip, out ipAddr);

                m_Listener = new TcpListener(ipAddr, port);
                m_Listener.BeginAcceptTcpClient(OnClientAccepted, m_Listener);
            catch (Exception e)

        private void OnClientAccepted(IAsyncResult ar)
            TcpListener listener = ar.AsyncState as TcpListener;

            if (listener == null)

            TcpClient client = listener.EndAcceptTcpClient(ar);
            client.ReceiveBufferSize = 65535;
            client.Client.ReceiveBufferSize = 65535;

            TcpWebConnection con = new TcpWebConnection(client, this, m_IsSSL);

            listener.BeginAcceptTcpClient(OnClientAccepted, listener);

This is the tcp web connection code. 这是tcp Web连接代码。

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Net.Security;
using System.Security.Authentication;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Web;

using Example.Lib.Common;
using Example.Lib.Models;

namespace Example.Lib.Net
    internal enum RequestType
        None = 0,
        GET = 1,
        POST = 2,
        OPTIONS = 3

    internal class TcpWebConnection : IDisposable
        #region private members

        private bool m_IsDisposed = false;
        private bool m_IsSSL = false;
        private bool m_HasHeaders = false;
        private bool m_FileCreated = false;
        private bool m_IsFileUpload = false;
        private RequestType m_RequestType = RequestType.None;
        private string m_ReadData = string.Empty;
        private string m_Request = string.Empty;
        private string m_RemoteIP = string.Empty;
        private string m_AbsoluteURI = string.Empty;
        private string m_ContentType = string.Empty;
        private string m_TempFilename = string.Empty;
        private byte[] m_EndBoundaryBytes = null;
        private byte[] m_StartBoundaryBytes = null;
        private int m_ContentLength = 0;
        private long m_StartBoundaryIndex = -1;
        private long m_EndBoundaryIndex = -1;
        private long m_BytesRead = 0;
        private NameValueCollection m_QueryString = null;
        private string[] m_Segments = new string[1];
        private string m_HttpVersion = "HTTP/1.1";
        private byte[] m_PostData = null;
        private byte[] m_Buffer = new byte[65535];
        private ReadWriteBuffer m_TempBuffer;
        private FileStream m_FileStream = null;
        private MemoryStream m_FullBuffer = new MemoryStream();
        private TcpClient m_Client = null;
        private System.IO.Stream m_NetworkStream = null;
        private TcpWebServer m_Parent = null;
        private Thread m_Thread_Read = null;
        private Timer m_Timer_Check = null;
        private DateTime m_LastRead = DateTime.Now;
        private AutoResetEvent m_WaitHandle_Write;

        #endregion private members

        #region constructors

        internal TcpWebConnection(TcpClient client, TcpWebServer parent, bool ssl)
            m_WaitHandle_Write = new AutoResetEvent(false);
            m_TempBuffer = new ReadWriteBuffer(65535);
            m_IsSSL = ssl;
            m_Segments[0] = string.Empty;
            m_Client = client;
            m_Parent = parent;
            m_RemoteIP = ((IPEndPoint)m_Client.Client.RemoteEndPoint).Address.ToString();

            if (ssl)
                m_NetworkStream = new SslStream(m_Client.GetStream(), false);
                m_NetworkStream = m_Client.GetStream();

            m_NetworkStream.ReadTimeout = 2000;

            m_Timer_Check = new Timer(Timer_Check_Callback, this, 2000, 2000);

            // start threads
            m_Thread_Read = new Thread(DoRead);
            m_Thread_Read.IsBackground = true;

        #endregion constructors

        #region destructors

                if (m_Timer_Check != null) m_Timer_Check.Dispose();
                m_Timer_Check = null;
            catch { } // if the timer was 

        #endregion destructors

        #region internal properties

        internal bool IsLargeFileUpload { get; set; } = false;

        internal string TempFilename
            get { return m_TempFilename; }
            set { m_TempFilename = value; }

        /// <summary>
        /// Remote IP
        /// </summary>
        internal string RemoteIP
            get { return m_RemoteIP; }

        internal string AbsoluteURI
            get { return m_AbsoluteURI; }

        internal string ContentType
            get { return m_ContentType; }

        internal string[] Segments
            get { return m_Segments; }

        internal NameValueCollection QueryString
            get { return m_QueryString; }

        internal Stream NetworkStream
            get { return m_NetworkStream; }

        internal int ContentLength
            get { return m_ContentLength; }

        #endregion internal properties

        #region private methods

        private void Timer_Check_Callback(object state)
            if ((DateTime.Now - m_LastRead).TotalSeconds > 15)
                    Program.BlacklistIP(m_RemoteIP, "TcpWebConnection - Timer", "Connection Timed Out");
                catch (Exception e) { }

        private void DoRead()
            if (m_IsSSL)
                    ((SslStream)m_NetworkStream).AuthenticateAsServer(m_Parent.ServerCertificate, false, SslProtocols.Tls, false);
                    ((SslStream)m_NetworkStream).BeginRead(m_Buffer, 0, m_Buffer.Length, new AsyncCallback(SslRead), m_NetworkStream);
                    m_NetworkStream.ReadTimeout = 5000;
                    m_NetworkStream.WriteTimeout = 5000;
                catch (Exception e)
                    //Console.WriteLine("SSL Auth Error: " + e.Message);

        private void UpdatePostData()
            m_FullBuffer.Position = 0;
            byte[] fullBuffer = Common.Conversion.MemoryStreamToByteArray(m_FullBuffer);

            if (m_StartBoundaryIndex > -1 && m_EndBoundaryIndex > -1)
                m_PostData = new byte[m_EndBoundaryIndex - m_StartBoundaryIndex];
                Array.Copy(fullBuffer, m_StartBoundaryIndex, m_PostData, 0, m_EndBoundaryIndex - m_StartBoundaryIndex);

        internal void SaveFile(string filepath)
                if (m_PostData == null) return;

                if (!Directory.Exists(Path.GetDirectoryName(filepath)))

                if (File.Exists(filepath))

                using (FileStream output = new FileStream(filepath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write))
                    output.Write(m_PostData, 0, m_PostData.Length);
            catch (Exception e)
                // report error

        private void AppendBuffer(byte[] newBuffer, int length)
            // we need to keep a running buffer here, the last 1024 bytes?  how best to find the end boundary?  need to determine when the stream is finished!
            m_TempBuffer.Write(newBuffer, length);
            if (m_IsFileUpload)
                if (m_EndBoundaryIndex < 0)
                    m_EndBoundaryIndex = StreamHelper.LastIndexOf(m_TempBuffer.RawBytes, m_TempBuffer.Count, m_EndBoundaryBytes);

                    if (!IsLargeFileUpload && m_EndBoundaryIndex > -1)
                        m_EndBoundaryIndex = (m_FullBuffer.Length + length) - (m_TempBuffer.Count - m_EndBoundaryIndex);
                if (m_StartBoundaryIndex < 0)
                    m_StartBoundaryIndex = StreamHelper.IndexOf(m_FullBuffer, m_StartBoundaryBytes);

                    if (m_StartBoundaryIndex > -1)
                        m_StartBoundaryIndex = StreamHelper.IndexOf(m_FullBuffer, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("\r\n\r\n"), m_StartBoundaryIndex + m_StartBoundaryBytes.Length) + 4;

            if (m_StartBoundaryIndex == -1 || !IsLargeFileUpload) // if this is not a file upload because no start boundary has been found then write buffer to memory
                m_FullBuffer.Write(newBuffer, 0, length);
                if (!m_FileCreated) // we have never written to the file, dump the contents of the full buffer now
                    bool exists = true;

                    while (exists)
                        m_TempFilename = Config.StaticConfig.TempFolder + "/" + Path.GetRandomFileName();
                        exists = File.Exists(m_TempFilename);

                    m_FileStream = new FileStream(m_TempFilename, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write);

                    m_FullBuffer.Position = m_StartBoundaryIndex;
                    m_FileStream.Write(newBuffer, 0, length);

                    m_FileCreated = true;
                else // we have previously written to the file, append new bytes
                    if (m_EndBoundaryIndex == -1)
                        m_FileStream.Write(newBuffer, 0, length);
                        m_FileStream.Write(newBuffer, 0, length - m_EndBoundaryBytes.Length);

        private void NormalRead()
                int bufferSize = m_Buffer.Length;
                int bytesRead = m_Client.Client.Receive(m_Buffer, bufferSize, 0);

                while (bytesRead > 0 && !m_IsDisposed)
                    m_LastRead = DateTime.Now;
                    m_BytesRead += bytesRead;

                    if (!m_HasHeaders || m_RequestType == RequestType.GET)
                        string sBuffer = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(m_Buffer, 0, bytesRead);
                        m_ReadData += sBuffer;

                    AppendBuffer(m_Buffer, bytesRead);
                    m_HasHeaders = UpdateUniqueHeaders();

                    if (!m_HasHeaders && m_BytesRead > 1024)
                        Program.BlacklistIP(m_RemoteIP, m_ReadData, "No HTTP headers found in the first 1024 bytes");

                    if (m_RequestType != RequestType.POST)
                        break; // process the request
                    else if (m_EndBoundaryIndex != -1)
                        break; // process the request, we found our end boundary for posted data

                    bytesRead = m_Client.Client.Receive(m_Buffer, bufferSize, 0);

            catch (Exception e)
                // report error

        private void SslRead(IAsyncResult ar)
            if (m_IsDisposed) return;

                int byteCount = -1;
                int bufferSize = m_Buffer.Length;

                m_LastRead = DateTime.Now;
                byteCount = m_NetworkStream.EndRead(ar);
                m_BytesRead += byteCount;

                if (!m_HasHeaders || m_RequestType == RequestType.GET)
                    string sBuffer = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(m_Buffer, 0, byteCount);
                    m_ReadData += sBuffer;

                AppendBuffer(m_Buffer, byteCount);
                m_HasHeaders = UpdateUniqueHeaders();

                if (!m_HasHeaders && m_BytesRead > 1024)
                    Program.BlacklistIP(m_RemoteIP, m_ReadData, "No HTTP headers found in the first 1024 bytes");

                if (byteCount > 0)
                    if (m_RequestType != RequestType.POST && m_RequestType != RequestType.None)
                        m_NetworkStream.BeginRead(m_Buffer, 0, bufferSize, new AsyncCallback(SslRead), m_NetworkStream);
                    else if (m_EndBoundaryIndex == -1) // as long as we haven't found the end of the stream continue reading
                        m_NetworkStream.BeginRead(m_Buffer, 0, bufferSize, new AsyncCallback(SslRead), m_NetworkStream);
            catch (Exception e)


        private bool UpdateUniqueHeaders()
            if (m_RequestType == RequestType.None && m_ReadData.Length > 8)
                m_RequestType = (m_ReadData.StartsWith("GET ") ? RequestType.GET : m_RequestType);
                m_RequestType = (m_ReadData.StartsWith("POST ") ? RequestType.POST : m_RequestType);
                m_RequestType = (m_ReadData.StartsWith("OPTIONS ") ? RequestType.OPTIONS : m_RequestType);

            if (m_RequestType == RequestType.GET || m_RequestType == RequestType.POST)
                string request = m_ReadData;

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_HttpVersion)) m_HttpVersion = m_ReadData.Substring(request.IndexOf("HTTP", 1), 8);
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_ContentType)) m_ContentType = GetHeader(request, "Content-Type");
                if (m_ContentLength == 0)
                    int cLength = 0;
                    int.TryParse(GetHeader(request, "Content-Length"), out cLength);
                    m_ContentLength = cLength;

                    if (m_ContentLength / 1024 / 1024 > 20)
                        IsLargeFileUpload = true; // data is sent directly to a file instead of saving in memory

            if (m_RequestType != RequestType.None && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_HttpVersion) && (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_ContentType) || m_RequestType != RequestType.POST))
                if (m_RequestType == RequestType.POST)
                        if (m_IsFileUpload == false)
                            m_IsFileUpload = Segments[1].Replace("/", "") == "upload";
                    catch { }

                    if (m_RequestType == RequestType.POST && m_StartBoundaryBytes == null)
                        m_StartBoundaryBytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(GetStartBoundary());
                        m_EndBoundaryBytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(GetEndBoundary());

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_Request) && m_Segments.Length <= 1 && m_QueryString == null)
                    // Extract the Requested Type and Requested file/directory
                    string m_Request = m_ReadData.Substring(0, m_ReadData.IndexOf("HTTP", 1) - 1);

                    //Replace backslash with Forward Slash, if Any
                    m_Request = m_Request.Replace("\\", "/");
                    m_Request = m_Request.Replace("GET ", "");
                    m_Request = m_Request.Replace("POST ", "");

                    Uri uri = new Uri("http://localhost" + m_Request);
                    NameValueCollection query = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(uri.Query);
                    //SendHeader(sHttpVersion, "image/jpeg", Program.BlankImageBuffer.Length, " 200 OK");

                    m_AbsoluteURI = m_Request;
                    m_Segments = uri.Segments;
                    m_QueryString = query;

                if (m_RequestType != RequestType.POST)
                    return true;
                else if (m_ContentLength > 0 && m_EndBoundaryBytes != null)
                    return true;

            return false;

        private string GetStartBoundary()
            return "--" + m_ContentType.Split(';')[1].Split('=')[1];

        private string GetEndBoundary()
            return "--" + m_ContentType.Split(';')[1].Split('=')[1] + "--\r\n";

        private string GetHeader(string request, string key)
            string result = string.Empty;
            int iStartPos = request.IndexOf(key + ":", 0) + key.Length + 1;

            if (request.IndexOf(key + ":", 0) > -1)
                // Get the HTTP text and version e.g. it will return "HTTP/1.1"
                int iEndPos = request.IndexOf("\r\n", iStartPos);
                result = request.Substring(iStartPos, iEndPos - iStartPos).Trim();

            return result;

        private void CleanFile()
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_TempFilename) && File.Exists(m_TempFilename))
                    using (Stream stream = File.Open(m_TempFilename, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                        byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
                        stream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
                        //stream.Position = 0;
                        //stream.Write(data, 0, data.Length);
            catch { }

        private void ProcessRequest(string request)
                if (request.Length < 5) return;

                List<string> headers = null;
                if (request.StartsWith("OPTIONS"))
                    headers = GetCommonHeader("", 0);
                    headers.Add("Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true");
                    headers.Add("Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Authorization, X-Mashape-Authorization, Accept, Content-Type, X-Requested-With, X-PINGOTHER, X-File-Name, Cache-Control");
                    headers.Add("Access-Control-Allow-Methods: PUT, POST, GET, OPTIONS");
                    headers.Add("Keep-Alive: timeout=15,max=100");
                    headers.Add("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *");
                    headers.Add("Connection: close");



                if (m_Timer_Check != null) m_Timer_Check.Dispose();
                string responseText = Program.ProcessRequest(this);
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(responseText)) responseText = "\r\n";

                byte[] buf = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(responseText);
                headers = GetCommonHeader("text/html", buf.Length, " 200 OK");
                headers.Add("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *");
                SendHeaderAndData(headers, buf);
            catch (Exception e) { }

        private void CloseFile()
                if (m_FileStream != null)
                    m_FileStream = null;
            catch { }

        /// <summary>
        /// This function send the Header Information to the client (Browser)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sHttpVersion">HTTP Version</param>
        /// <param name="sMIMEHeader">Mime Type</param>
        /// <param name="iTotBytes">Total Bytes to be sent in the body</param>
        /// <param name="mySocket">Socket reference</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List<string> GetCommonHeader(string mimeHeader = "text/html", int length = -1, string sStatusCode = " 200 OK", string filename = "", bool chunked = false)
            // if Mime type is not provided set default to text/html

            List<string> headers = new List<string>();

            headers.Add(m_HttpVersion + sStatusCode);
            headers.Add("Server: ExampleTcpWebServer");

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mimeHeader))
                headers.Add("Content-Type: " + mimeHeader);

            if (length > -1)
                headers.Add("Content-Length: " + length);

            headers.Add("Date: " + DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime().ToString("ddd, d MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss") + " GMT");

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filename))
                headers.Add("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"" + filename + "\"");
            if (chunked)
                headers.Add("Transfer-Encoding: chunked");

            return headers;

        public void SendHeader(List<string> headers)
            string sHeader = string.Empty;

            foreach (string header in headers)
                sHeader += header + "\r\n";

            sHeader += "\r\n";

            byte[] bSendData = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(sHeader);
            SendToBrowser(bSendData, bSendData.Length);

        public void SendHeaderAndData(List<string> headers, byte[] data)
            string sHeader = string.Empty;

            foreach (string header in headers)
                sHeader += header + "\r\n";

            sHeader += "\r\n";

            byte[] bHeader = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(sHeader);
            byte[] combined = new byte[bHeader.Length + data.Length];

            Array.Copy(bHeader, combined, bHeader.Length);
            Array.Copy(data, 0, combined, bHeader.Length, data.Length);

            SendToBrowser(combined, combined.Length);

        /// <summary>
        /// Sends data to the browser (client)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bSendData">Byte Array</param>
        /// <param name="mySocket">Socket reference</param>
        public void SendToBrowser(byte[] bSendData, int length)
                if (Common.TcpHelper.SocketConnected(m_Client.Client))
                    if (m_IsSSL)
                        m_NetworkStream.Write(bSendData, 0, length);
                        m_Client.Client.Send(bSendData, length, 0);
            catch (Exception e)
                //Console.WriteLine("Error Occurred : {0} ", e);

        #endregion private methods

        #region IDisposable

        public void Dispose()
            if (!m_IsDisposed)
                m_IsDisposed = true;

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_TempFilename) && File.Exists(m_TempFilename))
                catch { }


                catch { }

                catch { }

                    if (Thread.CurrentThread != m_Thread_Read && m_Thread_Read.IsAlive)
                        if (m_Thread_Read.IsAlive) m_Thread_Read.Abort();
                catch { }

                    m_ReadData = null;
                    m_PostData = null;
                    m_Buffer = null;
                    m_TempBuffer = null;

                    if (m_FullBuffer != null) m_FullBuffer.Dispose();
                    if (m_Timer_Check != null) m_Timer_Check.Dispose();
                    m_Timer_Check = null;
                catch { }

        #endregion IDisposable

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