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是否有 std::lock_guard 的简写<std::mutex>锁(米)?

[英]Is there a shorthand for std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m)?

Exactly what the question states.正是问题所述。 In C++, ideally 11, but curious about 14 and later too, is there a shorthand syntax for:在 C++ 中,理想情况下为 11,但对 14 及更高版本也感到好奇,是否有以下简写语法:

std::mutex someMutex;
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lg(someMutex);

Ideally something that infers the type of mutex to avoid the refactoring if I ever wanted to change to a std::recursive_mutex .理想情况下,如果我想更改为std::recursive_mutex ,可以推断互斥锁的类型以避免重构。

In other words, a way to do this:换句话说,有一种方法可以做到这一点:

std::mutex someMutex;
std::lock_guard lg(someMutex);


auto lg = make_lock_guard(someMutex);

For all the type deduction powers of modern C++, it just seems awfully redundant to go typing std::lock_guard<std::mutex> every time I want to make one.对于现代 C++ 的所有类型推导能力,每次我想要创建一个std::lock_guard<std::mutex>都显得非常多余。

For pre-C++17: 对于预C ++ 17:

template<class Mutex>
std::lock_guard<Mutex> make_lock_guard(Mutex& mutex) {
    return { mutex, std::adopt_lock };

Use as: 用于:

std::mutex someMutex;
auto&& lg = make_lock_guard(someMutex);

This takes advantage of the fact that copy-list-initialization doesn't create an additional temporary (even conceptually). 这利用了复制列表初始化不会创建额外临时(甚至概念上)的事实。 The one-parameter constructor is explicit and can't be used for copy-list-initialization, so we lock the mutex first and then use the std::adopt_lock constructor. 单参数构造函数是explicit ,不能用于复制列表初始化,因此我们首先锁定互斥锁,然后使用std::adopt_lock构造函数。

The return value is then directly bound to lg , which extends its lifetime to that of the reference, once again creating no temporary (even conceptually) in the process. 然后返回值直接绑定到lg ,这会将其生命周期延长到引用的生命周期,再次在进程中不创建临时(甚至概念上)。

In addition to what @TC's answer hinted at, here's the C++17 way: 除了@ TC的回答所暗示的,这里是C ++ 17的方式:

auto lock = std::lock_guard(someMutex);

You can read about the changes in this proposal: http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2016/p0091r3.html 您可以阅读此提案中的更改: http//www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2016/p0091r3.html

Both current answers suggest using the auto keyword to avoid typing the type name. 目前的两个答案都建议使用auto关键字来避免输入类型名称。 It's not wrong but I prefer my code to contain the typename and so use the auto keyword very sparingly. 这没有错,但我更喜欢我的代码包含typename,因此非常谨慎地使用auto关键字。 I would advocate aliasing the type: 我会提倡别名类型:

using MutexLockGuard = std::lock_guard<std::mutex>;

For C++17 and newer use just:对于 C++17 和更新版本,只需使用:

std::lock_guard lock(mutex)

As template deduction will do its job for you.因为模板扣除将为您完成它的工作。

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