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Enable-Mailbox cmdlet无法远程找到正确的Exchange 2007数据库

[英]Enable-Mailbox cmdlet not finding correct Exchange 2007 database remotely

I've installed the 2007 Exchange remote management tools to manage Exchange on a Server 2008 64-bit box. 我已经安装了2007 Exchange远程管理工具来在Server 2008 64位设备上管理Exchange。 I'm having issues running the enable-mailbox command remotely, for some reason it's searching my local machine for the database rather than the Exchange database. 我在远程运行enable-mailbox命令时遇到问题,由于某种原因,它正在本地计算机上搜索数据库而不是Exchange数据库。 I attempt to run this command: 我尝试运行此命令:

enable-mailbox -Identity Jordan -Database $database 

Database "someDomain\$database" was not found. Please make sure you have typed it correctly.
At line:1 char:1
+ Enable-Mailbox
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [], ManagementObjectNotFoundException 

The database is actually located on cas-exch.domain.centralazsupply.com 该数据库实际上位于cas-exch.domain.centralazsupply.com

The $database variable stores the object of the database that is retrieved using get-mailboxdatabase. $database变量存储使用get-mailboxdatabase.检索的数据库对象get-mailboxdatabase. , which returns the correct database. ,它返回正确的数据库。

I have no issues when running this command locally on the Exchange server. 在Exchange服务器上本地运行此命令时,我没有任何问题。

Am I missing an additional parameter to specify the location of the database? 我是否缺少附加参数来指定数据库的位置?

I figured it out. 我想到了。 If you're running this command remotely it looks like you need to use the -DomainController parameter and give it the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN). 如果您正在远程运行此命令,则看起来您需要使用-DomainController参数并将其指定为完全合格域名(FQDN)。 The below command worked: 以下命令有效:

Enable-Mailbox -DomainController *domain here* -Database $database -Identity Jordan

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