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使用Cucumber Scenario Outline处理excel电子表格

[英]Handling excel spreadsheets with Cucumber Scenario Outline

I am trying to see, if possible, to have a more elegant way to handle calling nTh numbers from a Cucumber Scenario Outline that correlates to an excel spreadsheet row(nth). 我试图看,如果可能的话,有一种更优雅的方式来处理从与黄金表格大纲行(第n个)相关的黄瓜场景大纲中调用nTh数字。

Currently I am using iteration numbers to define the row # of the excel spread sheet to pull the data from. 目前我正在使用迭代数来定义excel电子表格的行#以从中提取数据。 I wanted to see if it was possible to use cucumber with excel in a more elegant way than the below example with the scenario outline. 我想看看是否可以以比下面的示例更优雅的方式使用带有excel的黄瓜和场景轮廓。

Some background: 一些背景:

  • Each iteration needs to be its own scenario. 每次迭代都需要是自己的场景。 Hence why I'm not using a simple for loop with row.count. 因此,为什么我没有使用row.count的简单for循环。
  • I am fully aware of scenario outline as a way to do data tables but my company wants to see a POF that we can integrate large data sets through excel. 我完全了解场景大纲作为数据表的一种方式,但我的公司希望看到一个POF,我们可以通过excel集成大型数据集。
  • Current setup works for small data sets but when we get into the large excel spreadsheets I do not want to type out nth numbers on the outline 当前设置适用于小型数据集,但是当我们进入大型excel电子表格时,我不想在大纲上输入第n个数字

Cucumber code: 黄瓜代码:

Feature: User is using an excel spreadsheet with cucumber driving it

  Scenario Outline: Data Driven with excel and data sets

   When I am on the amps mainscreen
    Then I input username and passwords with excel row"<row_index>" dataset

    | row_index  |
    | 1          |
    | 2          |
    | 3          |
    | 4          |

Step File: 步骤文件:

//Excel Steps
@When("^I am on the amps mainscreen$")
public void i_am_on_the_amps_mainscreen()  {
    System.out.println("Im loading");
//Excel Steps
@Then("^I input username and passwords with excel row\"([^\"]*)\" dataset$")
public void i_input_username_and_passwords_with_excel_row_dataset(int rownum)    throws IOException {

Actual Code: 实际代码:

 public void readExcel (int row) throws IOException{

    File src=new File("src/test/resources/username.xlsx");
    FileInputStream fis=new FileInputStream(src);
    XSSFWorkbook srcBook= new XSSFWorkbook(fis);
    XSSFSheet sourceSheet = srcBook.getSheetAt(0);

    XSSFRow sourceRow = sourceSheet.getRow(row);
    XSSFCell username=sourceRow.getCell(0);
    XSSFCell password=sourceRow.getCell(1);
    String userExcel = username.getStringCellValue();
    String pwExcel = password.getStringCellValue();
    System.out.println("The username is" +userExcel);
    System.out.println("The password is" +pwExcel);
    log.info("The username on " +row + " is: "+userExcel);
    log.info("The password on "+row+ " is: "+pwExcel);


You can use QMetry Automation Framework with gherkin factory . 您可以将QMetry Automation Framework小黄瓜工厂一起使用 It supports test data provided outside feature file for example excel, xml, json, csv, or database. 它支持在特征文件外部提供的测试数据,例如excel,xml,json,csv或数据库。 you can provide datafile for examples like: 您可以提供数据文件,例如:

Examples:{'datafile':'resources/testdata.xls'} 实施例:{ '数据文件': '资源/ testdata.xls'}

Here is the example you can check. 这是您可以检查的示例

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