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[英]Recreate an array of nested objects recursively

I have an array of nested objects created by a user. 我有一个由用户创建的嵌套对象数组。 I need to recursively check the array for if checked is set to true and recreate the nested array of objects as shown below. 我需要递归检查数组,如果将checked设置为true并重新创建嵌套的对象数组,如下所示。

With my original attempt I was able to recursively get through the nested array. 通过最初的尝试,我能够递归地访问嵌套数组。 However, every time it recursed I would overwrite my previous information. 但是,每次重复出现时,我都会覆盖以前的信息。

$scope.newPropertyTemplate = [];

function checkProps (item, props){
    var obj = {};
    var arr = [];

    for(var i in props){

        if(props[i].checked === true){
            obj.property = item;
            obj.subProperties = arr;

            checkProps(props[i].name, props[i].properties);

    return obj;

for(var i = 0; i < $scope.propertyTemplate.length; i++){

    if($scope.propertyTemplate[i].properties !== null){

        $scope.newPropertyTemplate.push(checkProps($scope.propertyTemplate[i].name, $scope.propertyTemplate[i].properties));
        // $scope.newPropertyTemplate.push( newItem.property = $scope.propertyTemplate[i].name );
    else {

Here's an example of the nested array: 这是嵌套数组的示例:

     {name: "allocation",
          name: "oid", 
          checked: true, 
          properties: null, 
          type: "integer"
          name: "person", 
          checked: false, 
          properties: [
                  name: "Expires",
                  checked: true,
                  properties: null,
                  type: "timestamp"
                  name: "State/Province",
                  checked: true,
                  properties: null,
                  type: "string"
      type: "allocation"

Here's an example of the converted array of objects: 这是转换后的对象数组的示例:

 {property: "allocation",
  subProperties: [
      {property: "person",
       subProperties: [

This should work. 这应该工作。 The returned obj from your recursive checkProps function was not being stored. 您的递归checkProps函数返回的obj没有被存储。

 var data = [{ name: "allocation", properties: [{ name: "oid", checked: true, properties: null, type: "integer" }, { name: "person", checked: false, properties: [{ name: "Expires", checked: true, properties: null, type: "timestamp" }, { name: "State/Province", checked: true, properties: null, type: "string" }] }, ], type: "allocation" }]; function process(paths) { var arr = []; data.forEach(function(template) { var resultObj = {}; recurse(template, resultObj); arr.push(resultObj); }); console.log(arr); } function recurse(template, obj) { obj.property = template.name; if (template.properties == null) return; obj.subProperties = []; template.properties.forEach(function(prop) { var res = {}; if (prop.properties != null) recurse(prop, res); else if (prop.checked) res = prop.name; if (res) obj.subProperties.push(res); });; } process(data); 

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