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在Java REST中解析JSON参数时出错

[英]Error parsing JSON param in java REST

I have recently upgraded my REST API to use jersey 2.x and now I am unable to retrieve JSON body params the way I used to, the methods simply do not get called anymore. 我最近将REST API升级为使用jersey 2.x,现在我无法以以前的方式检索JSON主体参数,因此不再调用这些方法。 My guess is I'm missing a dependency to parse the JSON to a java object but I'm not too sure what i need to add in, any help appreciated. 我的猜测是我缺少将JSON解析为java对象的依赖项,但是我不太确定需要添加什么,感谢任何帮助。

pom.xml pom.xml


REST method REST方式

    public Response followUser(@PathParam("userId") Integer myUserId, FollowUserBean user) {}

FollowUserBean.java FollowUserBean.java

import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlRootElement;

public class FollowUserBean {
    public Integer friendId;

    public FollowUserBean() {}

You need a JSON provider 您需要一个JSON提供程序

At time of writing, Jersey 2.x integrates with the following modules to provide JSON support: 在撰写本文时,Jersey 2.x与以下模块集成以提供JSON支持:

Using Jackson 使用杰克逊

See below the steps required to use Jackson as a JSON provider for Jersey 2.x: 请参阅以下将Jackson用作Jersey 2.x的JSON提供程序所需的步骤:

Adding Jackson module dependencies 添加Jackson模块依赖项

To use Jackson 2.x as your JSON provider you need to add jersey-media-json-jackson module to your pom.xml file: 要将Jackson 2.x用作JSON提供程序,您需要将jersey-media-json-jackson模块添加到pom.xml文件中:


To use Jackson 1.x it'll look like: 要使用Jackson 1.x,它将类似于:


Registering Jackson module 注册Jackson模块

Besides adding the dependency mentioned above, you need to register JacksonFeature (or Jackson1Feature for Jackson 1.x) in your Application / ResourceConfig subclass: 除了增加依赖上面提到的,你需要注册JacksonFeature (或Jackson1Feature在杰克逊的1.x) Application / ResourceConfig子类:

public class MyApplication extends Application {

    public Set<Class<?>> getClasses() {
        Set<Class<?>> classes = new HashSet<Class<?>>();
        return classes;
public class MyApplication extends ResourceConfig {

    public MyApplication() {

If you don't have an Application / ResourceConfig subclass, you can register the JacksonFeature in your web.xml deployment descriptor. 如果没有Application / ResourceConfig子类,则可以在web.xml部署描述符中注册JacksonFeature The specific resource, provider and feature fully-qualified class names can be provided in a comma-separated value of jersey.config.server.provider.classnames initialization parameter. 可以在jersey.config.server.provider.classnames初始化参数的逗号分隔值中提供特定的资源,提供者和功能完全合格的类名称。


The MessageBodyWriter provided by Jackson is JacksonJsonProvider . Jackson提供的MessageBodyWriterJacksonJsonProvider

For more details, check the Jersey documentation about support for common media type representations. 有关更多详细信息,请参阅Jersey 文档中有关对常见媒体类型表示形式的支持。

You may be missing Jersey JSON Jackson (2.x) entity providers support module: 您可能会缺少Jersey JSON Jackson(2.x)实体提供程序支持模块:


It is recommended to use the same Jersey version in all libs. 建议在所有库中使用相同的Jersey版本。

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