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[英]Why inline-flex element with clearfix has a weird white space?

I have a weird behaviour of an inline-flex element when applying a clearfix to it. 当对它应用clearfix时,我有一个inline-flex元素的奇怪行为。 When I set a clearfix to an element which has an inline-flex display property the strange white space appears before it: 当我为具有inline-flex显示属性的元素设置clearfix时,会出现奇怪的空格:


But when the inline-block is used the behaviour is different: 但是当使用inline-block ,行为是不同的:


I don't understand why inline-flex has a different behaviour than inline-block .. and why it has that weird space. 我不明白为什么inline-flexinline-block有不同的行为..为什么它有那么奇怪的空间。

 .a, .b { border: 1px solid red; } .a { text-align: center; } .b { display: inline-flex; height: 20px; width: 20px; } .cf:before, .cf:after { content: " "; display: table; } .cf:after { clear: both; } 
 <div class="a"> <div class="b cf"></div> </div> 

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display: inline-flex

When you use display: inline-flex , you establish a flex container. 使用display: inline-flex ,可以建立Flex容器。

An initial setting of a flex container is flex-direction: row . Flex容器的初始设置是flex-direction: row

This means that all in-flow child elements of the container (including in-flow pseudo-elements) will line up in a row. 这意味着容器的所有in-flow子元素(包括in-flow伪元素)将排成一行。 The display value of these children ( table , in this case) is overridden/ignored, in accordance with the rules of a flex formatting context . 根据flex格式上下文的规则,覆盖/忽略这些子项的display值(在本例中为table )。

Your flex container has two flex items (the pseudo-elements) in one line: 您的Flex容器在一行中有两个flex项(伪元素):

 .a, .b { border: 1px solid red; } .a { text-align: center; } .b { display: inline-flex; height: 20px; width: 20px; } .cf:before, .cf:after { content: "x"; display: table; } .cf:after { clear: both; } 
 <div class="a"> <div class="b cf"></div> </div> 

display: inline-block

When you use display: inline-block , you establish a block formatting context . 使用display: inline-block ,可以建立块格式化上下文

The display property of child elements is respected. 子元素的display属性受到尊重。

Your pseudo-elements with display: table are block elements which, by default, occupy the full available width. 带有display: table伪元素是块元素,默认情况下占用整个可用宽度。 Hence, the pseudos are creating two rows: 因此,伪正在创建两行:

 .a, .b { border: 1px solid red; } .a { text-align: center; } .b { display: inline-block; height: 20px; width: 20px; } .cf:before, .cf:after { content: "x"; display: table; } .cf:after { clear: both; } 
 <div class="a"> <div class="b cf"></div> </div> 

vertical-align: baseline

Because both versions of your code use inline-level display values, this calls into play the vertical-align property, who's initial value is baseline . 因为您的代码的两个版本都使用内联级别的display值,所以这会调用vertical-align属性,其初始值为baseline

The white space you are seeing below div.b when set to display: inline-flex is due to baseline alignment. 设置为display: inline-flex时,您在div.b下方看到的空白区域display: inline-flex是由于基线对齐。

The white space you are seeing below div.b when set to display: inline-block is due to baseline alignment in combination with the effects of two block element children . 设置为display: inline-block时,您在div.b下方看到的空白区域display: inline-block是由于基线对齐以及两个块元素子项的效果

Here is a more detailed explanation:: https://stackoverflow.com/a/36975280/3597276 这是一个更详细的解释:: https://stackoverflow.com/a/36975280/3597276

The clear property clear财产

.cf:after {
    clear: both;

Your clearfix method is not the source of any of the white space. 您的clearfix方法不是任何空格的来源。 In fact, it's having no effect on your layout and can be safely removed. 实际上,它对您的布局没有任何影响,可以安全地删除。

You use the clear property only when dealing with floats. 只有在处理浮点数时才使用clear属性。

From the spec: 从规格:

9.5.2 Controlling flow next to floats: the clear property 9.5.2控制浮子旁边的流量: clear属性

This property indicates which sides of an element's box(es) may not be adjacent to an earlier floating box. 此属性指示元素框的哪些边可能不与较早的浮动框相邻。

Not only are there no floated elements in your layout, but if there were, the float and clear properties are nonetheless ignored in a flex formatting context. 不仅布局中没有浮动元素,但如果有, floatclear属性仍会在flex格式化上下文中被忽略。

3. Flex Containers: the flex and inline-flex display values 3. Flex Containers: flexinline-flex显示值

  • float and clear do not create floating or clearance of flex item, and do not take it out-of-flow. floatclear不会产生弹性物品的浮动或间隙,也不会使其脱离流动。

Try set a verical-align: top; 尝试设置verical-align: top; to your inline-flex | inline-block 到你的inline-flex | inline-block inline-flex | inline-block element to fix this offset. 用于修复此偏移的inline-flex | inline-block元素。

https://jsfiddle.net/jeca65my/2/ https://jsfiddle.net/jeca65my/2/

Thank's to @NenadVracar on this solution 感谢@NenadVracar 对此解决方案的看法

You have to imagine your page as a flow . 您必须将您的页面想象成一个flow Every element of your page is in the flow (DOM). 页面的每个元素都在流(DOM)中。 You are using the position property to change the position in the flow. 您正在使用position属性来更改流中的位置。


A block element will Always start a new line. 块元素将始终开始一个新行。 (ie: div) (即:div)

inline-block 内联块

Inline blocks elements are blocks like div but with inline properties in it. 内联块元素是div类的块,但其中包含inline属性。 (ie: span) (即:跨度)

inline-flex 内嵌-FLEX

This is used the same way as inline-block in the flow. 这与流中的inline-block使用的方式相同。 It makes a container that is inline but with the flex layout. 它使一个inline但具有flex布局的容器。

For your example, an interesting thing to do in order to focus on the difference between inline-block and inline-flex is to add text in your child div. 对于您的示例,为了专注于inline-blockinline-flex之间的区别,有趣的事情是在子div中添加文本。 You'll see that the comportment of your child div will once again change because it has text in it. 您将看到您的子div的组合将再次更改,因为它中包含文本。 JSFiddle example JSFiddle示例

EDIT : I found a sentence on SO that resumes well the situation. 编辑:我发现了一个关于SO的句子,恢复了良好的状态。 thank's to @BoltClock on This post : 感谢@BoltClock这篇文章

display: inline-flex does not make flex items display inline. display:inline-flex不会使flex项显示为内联。 It makes the flex container display inline. 它使Flex容器显示为内联。

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