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Spring Boot @ExceptionHandler没有捕获相关异常

[英]Spring boot @ExceptionHandler isn't catching relevant exception

I'm building an API using Spring Boot. 我正在使用Spring Boot构建API。 I've setup an authentication filter to grab a token from the request header and authenticate it. 我已经设置了一个身份验证过滤器,以从请求标头中获取令牌并对其进行身份验证。 If a user couldn't be found using the token, then an InvalidWSUserException is thrown. 如果找不到使用令牌的用户,则抛出InvalidWSUserException。

I've created a class to hold a number of @ExceptionHandlers so that I can catch the InvalidWSUserException and respond with a JSON string advising the requesting client that the token in their request was invalid. 我创建了一个用于容纳多个@ExceptionHandlers的类,以便可以捕获InvalidWSUserException并使用JSON字符串进行响应,以通知发出请求的客户端其请求中的令牌无效。

I've had this working on another project, but I seem unable to get it working in this new project. 我曾经在另一个项目上工作过,但似乎无法在新项目中使用它。

The InvalidWSUserException is empty as the Handler should handle the response; InvalidWSUserException为空,因为处理程序应该处理响应;

public class InvalidWSUserException extends RuntimeException {

I've defined the handler class as so; 我已经定义了处理程序类;

public class ExceptionController {

    public ResponseEntity invalidWSUserException(InvalidWSUserException exception) {
        return new WSResponse().send(HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED, "Invalid token.");


I have had a problem in a previous project where the class that was throwing the exception hadn't been instantiated by Spring via a Bean, but I've checked over this class, and the class that is raising the exception is instantiated by an @Autowired annotation. 我在以前的项目中遇到了一个问题,在那个项目中,引发异常的类尚未由Spring通过Bean实例化,但是我检查了此类,而引发异常的类则由@实例化。自动装配注释。

I'm struggling to understand why the @ExceptionHandler isn't doing what I think it should. 我正在努力理解为什么@ExceptionHandler没有按我的预期去做。

To confirm, the output I see in the browser is an error 500 json response; 确认一下,我在浏览器中看到的输出是错误500 json响应; where as it should be the EntityResponse from the @ExceptionHandler 应该是@ExceptionHandler中的EntityResponse

  "timestamp": 1470833849289,
  "status": 500,
  "error": "Internal Server Error",
  "exception": "digital.sheppard.exceptions.InvalidWSUserException",
  "message": "No message available",
  "path": "/api/product"

I'm working with JSON Web Token for Java library, and, as you put above, I had the same error in authentication service. 我正在使用用于Java库的JSON Web令牌 ,并且如上所述,在身份验证服务中出现了相同的错误。 I've tried with @ControllerAdvice, but had no solution. 我已经尝试使用@ControllerAdvice,但是没有解决方案。

After a long research, I've found a solution. 经过长时间的研究,我找到了解决方案。 You have to implement your JwtFilter , and, instead of launching an exception, you have to modify your HttpServletResponse value in order to add the following: 您必须实现JwtFilter ,而不是启动异常,而必须修改HttpServletResponse值以添加以下内容:

if (authHeader == null || !authHeader.startsWith("Bearer ")) {
   //throw new UnauthorizedErrorException(UnauthorizedErrorException.ErrorCodes.INVALID_TOKEN);

   response.addHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");


final String token = authHeader.substring(7);

try {
   final Claims claims = Jwts.parser().setSigningKey("secretkey").parseClaimsJws(token).getBody();
   request.setAttribute("claims", claims);
} catch (final SignatureException e) {
   //throw new UnauthorizedErrorException(UnauthorizedErrorException.ErrorCodes.INVALID_TOKEN);

   response.addHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");


chain.doFilter(req, res);

As you can see, I've commented the exception launch and I change it for the response header override. 如您所见,我已经注释了异常启动,并为响应标头覆盖对其进行了更改。 getErrorJson() returns a JSON value as a string (Or you can only put an string as your body). getErrorJson()返回一个JSON值作为字符串(或者您只能将字符串作为正文)。

I hope that this works for you. 我希望这对您有用。

PD: I've follow this instructions in order to implement auth. PD:我已按照以下说明进行身份验证。

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