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Android Studio:在xml属性中,竖线到底是什么意思?

[英]Android Studio: in an xml attribute, what exactly does the vertical bar mean?

I am confused as to what exactly the | 我对到底是什么感到困惑。 means in the following context: 在以下情况下表示:


Is the definition of the use of this symbol specified anywhere, in case I come across others? 万一遇到其他人,是否在任何地方指定了此符号的使用定义?

It means that it has both flags enabled, center_vertical and center_horizontal. 这意味着它同时启用了center_vertical和center_horizo​​ntal两个标志。

In the Java side, the pipe is a bitwise OR operation, which is commonly used to store flags, which are then checked using a bitwise AND (& operator) operation. 在Java端,管道是按位或运算,通常用于存储标志,然后使用按位与 (&运算符)操作对其进行检查。

android:layout_gravity determines gravity which view specifies to its parent thus position which it would like to "take" in the parent to which it belongs to. android:layout_gravity确定重力,该重力将视图指定给其父对象,从而确定其在其所属父对象中要“占据”的位置。

Generally you can read about attributes at Android dev site: https://developer.android.com/reference/android/widget/LinearLayout.LayoutParams.html 通常,您可以在Android开发者网站上阅读有关属性的信息: https : //developer.android.com/reference/android/widget/LinearLayout.LayoutParams.html

Some attributes accept more than one value, like layout_gravity. 一些属性接受多个值,例如layout_gravity。 The | | character separe these values, in that case meaning that your layout gonna take both gravities, center_vertical and center_horizontal. 字符分隔这些值,在这种情况下,这意味着您的布局将同时具有center_vertical和center_horizo​​ntal两个重力。 You could simply this by using: 您可以使用以下方法简单地做到这一点:


You can combine this constants in order to position your content in relation to it parent: https://developer.android.com/reference/android/R.attr.html#layout_gravity 您可以结合使用这些常量,以便将内容相对于其父对象定位: https : //developer.android.com/reference/android/R.attr.html#layout_gravity

Other examples of attributes that take more than one value: 具有多个值的其他属性示例:








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