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[英]PHP recursive menu multi-dimensional array generator

I'm struggling a bit with some of my code...I have an array of my menu layout: 我在一些代码上苦苦挣扎...我的菜单布局数组:

$navigationMenu = [
        'hide' => TRUE,
        'id' => 'overview_button',
        'order' => 0,
        'content/overview.php' => [

            SECTION_CABINET => [
                'hide' => TRUE,
                'id' => 'cabinet_button',
                'content/cabinet.php' => [

                    SECTION_AMP_PSU => [
                        'hide' => TRUE,
                        'id' => 'amps_psu_button',
                        'ampNoIndicator' => TRUE,
                        'order' => 3,
                        'content/amp_psu.php' => [

                            SECTION_AMPS_OFF => [
                                'hide' => false,
                                'id' => 'amps_off_button',
                                'ampNoIndicator' => TRUE,
                                'class' => 'red',
                                'order' => 4,

                            SECTION_AMPS_ALARMS => [
                                'id' => 'amps_alarms',
                                'ampNoIndicator' => TRUE,
                                'order' => 5,
                                'content/amp_alarms.php' => NULL
                    'POOP' => [
                        'hide' => false,
                        'id' => 'amps_psu_button',
                        'ampNoIndicator' => TRUE,
                        'order' => 3,
                        'content/amp_psu.php' => NULL
        'id' => 'sysConfig',
        'order' => 1,
        'content/system_configuration.php' => NULL,

    SECTION_SYS => [
        'id' => 'system',
        'order' => 2,
        'content/system.php' => NULL,

    BACK_BUTTON => [
        'id' => 'backBtn',
        'order' => 100,
        'prev' => NULL,

        'id' => 'rescan',
        'order' => 101,

And I have a class that generates the menu. 我有一个生成菜单的类。

class Navigation {
    private $doc;
    private $xpath;
    private $rootNode;

     *  Initialize navigation.
    public function __construct() {
        global $navigationMenu;
        $menu = $navigationMenu;
        $this->doc = new DOMDocument();
        $this->xpath = new DOMXpath($this->doc);

     *  Build Menu
     *  @param  $menu       array       see $menu array at the begining of the class
     *  @param  $depth      int         maintain a depth count for nested UL menu
     *  @param  $nestingUL  bool        false (default): does not output menu in a nested UL config
     *                                  true: nested UL config
     *  @return DOMElement              function returns DOM element of UL
    private function buildMenu($menu, $depth = 0, $nestingUL = false) {
        $ulNode = $this->doc->createElement('ul');

        if (!$depth) {
            $ulNode->setAttribute('id', 'primary-nav');
            $this->rootNode = $ulNode;

        $this->appendtoNode($menu, $depth, $nestingUL, $ulNode);

        return $ulNode;

     *  Append menu items to a node (either UL or LI)
     *  @param  $menu                   array       array of menu items list
     *  @param  $depth                  array       depth count for nested UL menu
     *  @param  $nestingUL              bool        false: no nesting UL; true: nesting UL
     *  @param  $node                   DOMElement  passing node variable
     *  @param  $showElementOverride    bool        override skipping hidden elements
    private function appendtoNode($menu, $depth, $nestingUL, $node, $showElementOverride = false) {
        foreach ($menu as $itemText => $item) {
            if ((empty($item['hide']) || !($item['hide']) || $showElementOverride)) {
                $node->appendChild($this->buildMenuItem($itemText, $item, $depth, $nestingUL));

            else if (array_key_exists('hide', $item) && $item['hide']) {
                $newArr = $this->hiddenArraySkipNext($menu);
                $this->appendtoNode($newArr, $depth, $nestingUL, $node, $showElementOverride);

   *  Build menu item.
   *  @param   $itemText        string          (button/menu label)
   *  @param   $item            array           (button modifiers array)
   *  @param   $depth           int             (maintaining depth count (only for creating a nested UL))
   *  @param   $nesting         bool            (true if nesting is required; false if no nesting)
    private function buildMenuItem($itemText, $item, $depth, $nesting) {
        $id = '';
        $spanclassAttr = array('navButton-color');
        $order = '';
        $url = '';
        $ampNo = '';
        $childMenu = false;

        // prepare node structure
           $liNode = $this->doc->createElement('li');
         $spanNode = $this->doc->createElement('span');
        $glareNode = $this->doc->createElement('span');     // spare span tag used to carry the glare class attribute
            $pNode = $this->doc->createElement('p');

        // initialize node attributes
        $liNode->setAttribute('class', 'navButton');
        $glareNode->setAttribute('class', 'glare');         // spare span tag with "glare" class attribute

        // iterate item properties
        foreach ($item as $key => $value) {
            switch ($key) {
                case 'hide':
                case 'id':
                    $id = $value;
                case 'ampNoIndicator':
                    $ampNo = $value;
                case 'class':
                    $spanclassAttr[] = $value;
                case 'order':
                    $order = $value;
                    $url = $key;
                    $childMenu = $value;

        // map iterated items to nodes
        $liNode->setAttribute('id', $id);

        if ($spanclassAttr) {
            $spanNode->setAttribute('class', implode(' ', $spanclassAttr));

        $pNode->nodeValue = $itemText;

        if (is_array($childMenu) && $nesting) {
            $liNode->appendChild($this->buildMenu($childMenu, $depth + 1, $nesting));
        else if (is_array($childMenu) && !$nesting) {
            $this->appendtoNode($childMenu, $depth, $nesting, $liNode);
        return $liNode;

     *  Iterating menu array
     *  @param  $item           menu array
     *  @return array | bool    return the nested array, else return false
    private function hiddenArraySkipNext($arr) {
        $output = $arr;
        foreach ($arr as $tempArr) {
            if (array_key_exists('hide', $tempArr) && $tempArr['hide']) {
                foreach ($tempArr as $key => $value) {
                    if (is_array($value)) {
                        $output = $value;
            else if (!array_key_exists('hide', $tempArr) || (array_key_exists('hide', $tempArr) && !$tempArr['hide'])) {
                return $output;
        return $output;

    * Get menu.
    public function getMenu() {
        return $this->doc->saveHTML();

So the purpose of the class is to be able to generate either a nested or non-nested UL of the $navigationMenu (see the use of the $nestingUL/$nesting parameters I have through buildMenu, appendtoNode, etc). 因此,该类的目的是能够生成$ navigationMenu的嵌套UL或非嵌套UL(请参阅我通过buildMenu,appendtoNode等使用的$ nestingUL / $ nesting参数的用法)。 I also want to have the ability to override any "hide" keys in my $navigationMenu (see $showElementOverride in the appendtoNode() function). 我还希望能够覆盖$ navigationMenu中的所有“隐藏”键(请参阅appendtoNode()函数中的$ showElementOverride)。 The menu displays as planned when the array is in the configuration I have set up. 当阵列处于我已设置的配置中时,菜单按计划显示。 However, if I ever wanted to expand on the menu, I run into issues. 但是,如果我想在菜单上进行扩展,则会遇到问题。

In this array configuration, below, my SECTION_AMPS_OFF and SECTION_AMPS_ALARMS are output twice. 在下面的此阵列配置中,我的SECTION_AMPS_OFF和SECTION_AMPS_ALARMS输出两次。

$navigationMenu = [
        'hide' => TRUE,
        'id' => 'overview_button',
        'order' => 0,
        'content/overview.php' => [

            SECTION_CABINET => [
                'hide' => TRUE,
                'id' => 'cabinet_button',
                'content/cabinet.php' => [

                    SECTION_AMP_PSU => [
                        'hide' => TRUE,
                        'id' => 'amps_psu_button',
                        'ampNoIndicator' => TRUE,
                        'order' => 3,
                        'content/amp_psu.php' => [

                            SECTION_AMPS_OFF => [
                                'hide' => false,
                                'id' => 'amps_off_button',
                                'ampNoIndicator' => TRUE,
                                'class' => 'red',
                                'order' => 4,

                            SECTION_AMPS_ALARMS => [
                                'id' => 'amps_alarms',
                                'ampNoIndicator' => TRUE,
                                'order' => 5,
                                'content/amp_alarms.php' => NULL
                    'POOP' => [
                        'hide' => true,
                        'id' => 'amps_psu_button',
                        'ampNoIndicator' => TRUE,
                        'order' => 3,
                        'content/amp_psu.php' => NULL
        'id' => 'sysConfig',
        'order' => 1,
        'content/system_configuration.php' => NULL,

    SECTION_SYS => [
        'id' => 'system',
        'order' => 2,
        'content/system.php' => NULL,

    BACK_BUTTON => [
        'id' => 'backBtn',
        'order' => 100,
        'prev' => NULL,

        'id' => 'rescan',
        'order' => 101,

And when I have the menu configured as below, I get a fatal error about the allowed memory size exhausted. 而且,当我按如下所示配置菜单时,我收到关于允许的内存大小用尽的致命错误。

$navigationMenu = [
        'hide' => TRUE,
        'id' => 'overview_button',
        'order' => 0,
        'content/overview.php' => [

            SECTION_CABINET => [
                'hide' => TRUE,
                'id' => 'cabinet_button',
                'content/cabinet.php' => [

                    SECTION_AMP_PSU => [
                        'hide' => TRUE,
                        'id' => 'amps_psu_button',
                        'ampNoIndicator' => TRUE,
                        'order' => 3,
                        'content/amp_psu.php' => [

                            SECTION_AMPS_OFF => [
                                'hide' => true,
                                'id' => 'amps_off_button',
                                'ampNoIndicator' => TRUE,
                                'class' => 'red',
                                'order' => 4,

                            SECTION_AMPS_ALARMS => [
                                'id' => 'amps_alarms',
                                'ampNoIndicator' => TRUE,
                                'order' => 5,
                                'content/amp_alarms.php' => NULL
                    'POOP' => [
                        'hide' => false,
                        'id' => 'amps_psu_button',
                        'ampNoIndicator' => TRUE,
                        'order' => 3,
                        'content/amp_psu.php' => NULL
        'id' => 'sysConfig',
        'order' => 1,
        'content/system_configuration.php' => NULL,

    SECTION_SYS => [
        'id' => 'system',
        'order' => 2,
        'content/system.php' => NULL,

    BACK_BUTTON => [
        'id' => 'backBtn',
        'order' => 100,
        'prev' => NULL,

        'id' => 'rescan',
        'order' => 101,

I'm pretty sure the solution is not expanding the memory limit. 我很确定解决方案不会扩展内存限制。 The ultimate goal is to be able to loop through the array and spit out any unhidden nav menu buttons (either nested or non-nested UL), as long as $showElementOverride is not set TRUE. 最终目标是能够循环遍历数组,并吐出任何未隐藏的导航菜单按钮(嵌套的或非嵌套的UL),只要$ showElementOverride未设置为TRUE。 If a parent array is hidden, the child may be shown, as long as it's not a nested UL. 如果父数组被隐藏,则可以显示子数组,只要它不是嵌套的UL。 I haven't tackled that issue yet, as I've been trying to tackle the hiddenArraySkipNext() function. 我尚未解决该问题,因为我一直在尝试解决hiddenArraySkipNext()函数。 I've been struggling with this for the past couple of days, so a fresh set of eyes would definitely be appreciated! 在过去的几天里,我一直在为此苦苦挣扎,因此一定会感激不尽!

Rewrote my buildMenu(), appendtoNode() and hiddenArraySkipNext() functions: 重写了我的buildMenu(),appendtoNode()和hiddenArraySkipNext()函数:

private function buildMenu($menu, $depth = 0, $nestingUL = true, $showElementOverride = false) {
    $ulNode = $this->doc->createElement('ul');

    if (!$depth) {
        $ulNode->setAttribute('id', 'primary-nav');
        $this->rootNode = $ulNode;

    $this->appendtoNode($menu, $depth, $nestingUL, $ulNode, $showElementOverride);

    return $ulNode;

private function appendtoNode($menu, $depth, $nestingUL, $node, $showElementOverride = false) {
    foreach ($menu as $itemText => $item) {
        if (empty($item['hide']) || !($item['hide']) || $showElementOverride) {
            $node->appendChild($this->buildMenuItem($itemText, $item, $depth, $nestingUL));

        else if ((array_key_exists('hide', $item) && $item['hide']) && !$nestingUL) {
            $tempMenu = $this->hiddenArraySkipNext($item);

            if (is_array($tempMenu)) $this->appendtoNode($tempMenu, $depth, $nestingUL, $node, $showElementOverride);

private function hiddenArraySkipNext($arr = array()) {
    $output = array();
    foreach ($arr as $tempArr) {
        $output = $tempArr;
        if (is_array($tempArr) && !empty($tempArr)) {
            foreach ($tempArr as $val) {
                if (is_array($val) && array_key_exists('hide', $val) && $val['hide']) {
    return $output;

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