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[英]Watch for screen size change in a directive Angularjs

I am having an issue with using $watch in a directive. 我在指令中使用$watch遇到问题。 I want to update an elements left and top based on some basic information on the page. 我想更新的元素lefttop基于网页上的一些基本信息。 Below is my code: 下面是我的代码:

 var myApp = angular.module("myApp", []); var offset_x_function = function(){ return (($('.map').width() / 2) - ($('#map_display_img').width() / 2)); } var offset_y_function = function(){ return (($('.map').height() / 2) - ($('#map_display_img').height() / 2)); } myApp.directive("plotDevice", function($window){ offset_x = offset_x_function(); offset_y = offset_y_function(); return { restrict: 'A', link: function(scope, elem, attrs){ scope.$watch(function(){ return $window.innerWidth; }, function(value) { offset_y = offset_y_function(); offset_x = offset_x_function(); }); scope.$watch(function(){ return $window.innerHeight; }, function(value) { offset_y = offset_y_function(); offset_x = offset_x_function(); }); angular.element(elem).css("left", (parseInt(offset_x) + parseInt(attrs["x"])).toString() + "px" ); angular.element(elem).css("top", (parseInt(offset_y) + parseInt(attrs["y"])).toString() + "px" ); } } }); 
 .map { height: calc(100vh - 73px); width: 100%; } .map img { position: absolute; top: 50%; left: 50%; transform: translate(-50%, -50%); } 
 <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.2.23/angular.min.js"></script> <div class="map"> <img id="map_display_img" src="some/image/path" width="1000" height="1000" /> <div plot-device data-x="100" data-y="200"><p>item over image</p></div> </div> 

While the directive works when the page loads: All plot-device elements get a style with a left and top . 当指令在页面加载时起作用时:所有plot-device元素的样式都为lefttop When the screen size is adjusted the style is not updated. 调整屏幕大小后,样式不会更新。

You are only setting offset_x and offset_y in the $watch callback. 您仅在$watch回调中设置 offset_xoffset_y You are never actually updating the element except when the directive initializes. 除了指令初始化时,您实际上从未更新过该元素。

You would need the angular.element(elem).css("left", ...) and angular.element(elem).css("top", ...) lines in the $watch callback. 您需要在$watch回调中使用angular.element(elem).css("left", ...)angular.element(elem).css("top", ...)行。 (Ideally you would have them in a function that gets called at initialization and in the $watch callbacks) (理想情况下,您会将它们放在在初始化和$watch回调中调用的函数中)

On a side note, there is a $window.on('resize', function(event){}) event you could listen for instead of using watchers. 附带说明一下,您可以侦听$window.on('resize', function(event){})事件,而不必使用观察程序。

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